I'm Afraid

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im sorry i have been such a bad person for not updating lately i have had some family troubles i hope you understand and im really gonna try to make this chapter great

Harry POV*

I never knew how much physical pain a person could be in. I never thought that Zayn would abuse me. I new I deserved a spanking. I broke the rules, but I didn't deserve this. I am still in a ton of pain. It's nighttime and I can't sleep. I wan't Louis here to comfort me. Angel flipped at the sight of what happened. She is scared of Zayn now, as are the rest of us. I hear someone open the door. I look up to see Louis. THANK GOD!!!!

"Hazza why aren't you asleep."He started rubbing my back.

"I can't sleep. Please stay here with me!'

"I will. Now lay down and go to sleep."

Louis POV*

Harry was like a son to me. It killed me to see him in pain. As much as I hate to admit it everyone was scared of Zayn...even me. Harry was finally asleep. I stood up to go back to my bed. As I closed Harry's door and turned around I saw Zayn.

"What are you doing Zayn!"

"I came to check on Harry."

"I don't think Harry needs you right now."

"Lou I'm not going to hurt him."

"No Zayn! He doesn't need a bully around to hurt him."

Normally Zayn would lecture me about being more respectful, but he just let me walk by.

Zayn's POV*

What Louis said really hurt me. I walked back to my bed to go to sleep. I cried into my pillow. I knew everyone hated me!

Angels POV*

I headed downstairs to eat breakfeast. I popped toast into the toaster and waited for it to pop. While I was waiting Zayn came downstairs. I usually sat by him at the table but I decided to sit in Harry's seat instead. When I sat down he started staring at me. I'm usally not one to be afraid of people but I'm afraid of Zayn. I feel as we all are.

"Angel why aren't you siting in your regular seat" Louis asked me

"I don't want to sit by a monster." Before I could even look up Zayn was gone. I felt kinda bad but he hurt Harry.

Zayn's POV*

I couldn't stay down there longer normally Angel would be in so much trouble but, I couldn't. I went into the bathroom to wash my face. Angel left her razor out.

"Damn it Angel." I tell her all the time to put up her stuff. When I picked up the razor to put it away the blade fell off. I picked it up to throw it away. It was almost to the trashcan when I stopped and started thinking. A lot of people cut themselves. I have heard it helps maybe if I just........... NO! If any off the boys of girls cut they would not be able to sit for a month. I'm not them though I could just try and no one would have to know.

I held out my arm and took the blade and slowly but forcefully cut a line down my arm. It hurt so bad. The pain felt good though. I did another cut and all the pain went away.

Blood was everywhere I got rid of the blade and replaced it with a new one. I washed my arm but realized that I had to cover my arms. I put on some long sleeves so no one could see my arms...........like anyone would care. I just layed on my pillow to cry

Angels POV*

I went up to Harry's room to see how he was doing he should be able to at least move around good soon. I knocked on his door and heard a come in.

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