Chapter 13

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Lovina scowled as watched the man Feli was still dancing with from a far. She knew he was bad newsfrom the beginning. Feli doesn't know the truth about that man, not a single clue. Oh, how Lovina wanted to step between the two and punch that bastard in the face. But she could't. She can't risk it.

"Tch." Lovina gave the man a death glare and walked away.


Ludwig shuddered slightly. He felt as if someone was watching him from behind or as if someone was plotting his death. Feliciana gave him a confused look.

"Is something wrong? Did I mess up again! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorr-"

"N-no. You didn't mess up. You're doing quite well actually." Feliciana gave a relieved sigh.

"Anyway. Nothing is wrong. I just- Nevermind. Don't worry about it." Ludwig smiled at Feliciana. She nodded and smiled back. The couple continued their dance across the dance floor.

Still, that didn't shake the fact that Ludwig felt as if he was being watched. Whoever it was, they really must hate him even though he doesn't remember doing anything bad to anyone.


Lovina had to come up with a plan and a quick one too. She still has some time left before it starts. She struggled her way out of the large group that she had hid in and made her way to the end of the room, furthest from all the people.

She slouched against the wall, calming herself, letting her gaurd down. It has been at least two hours since the masked ball had started. Lovina guessed the time would be nine o'clock by now. Good. She still had three hours.


Lovina stared out the windows of the Hall of Mirrors. She pondered of what Chun-Yan mean by that. To give up everything for another.

Of course she would, if it was her sister. They've always stuck together because they've only got eachother. But why would she ask such an odd question? And of all people, why would she even bother to talk to her. Chun-Yan was a noble. Lovina was a stranger to her.

Lovina groaned. Thinking too hard made her head hurt. She stared out the window and at the sky. It was a cloudy night. No moon or stars, just clouds.

"...hear about that rumor..." Lovina turned her head quickly across the hall.

She quietly walked over to the entrance of the hall and stuck her head out. She looked around and locked her eyes on a couple of gaurds passing by. There were only three.

"Oh, that one? Let me tell you something." The second gaurd looked up and observed his surroundinds.

Lovina ducked back and held her breath. She didn't want to get caught and go to jail or even worse, get exiled. After a couple seconds, she poked her head out again and saw that the gaurds went back to their conversation.

" isn't a rumor..." The guards began to move to another position again.

Curiousity had gotten a hold of Lovina. She checked around her first, making sure no one is around her. After concluding that no one was near, she began to follow close behind the guards.

"I was outside the door at the meeting. He said it himself."

"He as in Ludwig Beilschmidt of the Holy Roman Empire."

One of the guards nodded.

"So it is true."

"How many are there going to be?"

"This ball is a bait to lure the thieves. How many do you think will come."

That was all Lovina needed to hear. This masked ball was planned so that it can lure the thieves here! She couldn't believe that noble, Ludwig Beil-, whatever his name is, would do this.

Lovina had heard about these thieves. They wiped out entire towns. Killed thousands of people. A vicious group with atleast a hundred murders, law breakers, thieves, and bandits. At least, that's what the rumors say.

She waited there, behind the corner of the hallway until the guards let. Just as she was about to turn around, a hand was placed over her mouth and strong arms pulled her body back.

Was this person planning on kidnapping her!? No, wait, that's thinking too far but it is a possibility. What did this person want? Lovina thrashed and struggled. She tried to scream but nothing came out. The arm that held her body pulled harder.

"Don't." Lovina did not know why, but she stopped. Her body did as the voice said. The hands around her eventually let go of her, allowing her to move again but she didn't look behind her. She refused to.

"You're pretty good at spying y'know." It was a man's voice. Lovina couldn't pinpoint the accent though. She waited for him to leave but could still feel his eyes looking at her.

"You're not gonna look at me?" He waited for her to look back. No response.

"That's fine. Would've killed you if you found out my identity." Her eyes widened. She kept her eyes on the ground and shut them.

"Al, don't you think that's going a little overboard?" It was another voice. It was a man but quieter and kinder.

Lovina felt a hand placed gently on her shoulder. It was warm.

"It's okay. You can stand up, can you?" Lovina nodded a bit. The man walked in front of her and held out his hands. Lovina accepted it and looked up. There were two people, most likely around her age or older.

The first one, the one that had helped her get up, seemed a lot calmer. He had violet eyes, a kind smile, blonde hair and a curl that hung down his hair. He also wore a pair of glasses.

The second one had very similar features to the other. He had blue eyes, blonde hair, a cowlick that also stuck out of his head and also wore glasses.

"Are you two related?" Lovina asked. The two nodded.

"We're brothers!" Lovina could see that now. Both the boys were very similar in physical appearence. But not so much in personality as Lovina could tell. What really caught Lovina's eyes was how they dressed. They both wore dark clothing that covered almost their entire body. They also were carring somewhat suspicious bags. Plus, they weren't wearing a mask.

"You aren't here for the masked ball, are you?" Lovina questioned. The brothers tensed.

"Umm, that's be-" The violet eyed boy stuttered, trying to make something up. The one with blue eyes grabbed the other and ran.

"Good night, miss. We'll see eachother again very shortly, that is, if you're alive." The one with blue eyes winked and jumped out of the nearest window. Lovina gasped, ran over to the window and looked down. They were gone. And what did they mean, if she was alive?

Lovina ignored the strange meeting she had with those people and began finding her way back to the ball room.

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