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"Nonno!" Lovina shouted as Feliciana stood behind her, holding her hands tightly. Lovina rushed into the room where their grandfather was as Feliciana followed. It was dark, but the light of the moon illuminated the room just enough to see. There on the floor of his bedroom he layed. Cold, lifeless and dead. Lovina gasped and quickly turned around and covered her little sister's eyes, hoping she hadn't seen the dreadful sight. Unfortunately, she had.

Both girls stood beside their grandfather, Feli held on to Lovina for dear life, crying like it was the end of the world. Lovina let a couple of tears stream down from her face but refused to cry in front of her sister. She sniffled and tried to stop her trembling. She needed to be strong. Slowly, she stood and looked at her grandfather once more. That once cheery and smiling face now lifeless and empty. She clenched her hands.

'Why?' Lovina thought. 'Why did he have to die?' Lovino watched her little sister mourn upon their grandfather. She couldn't take it anymore. Life is so unfair. It always has been.

"Feli." Lovina said quietly. Her sister looked up at her dear sister. Her face red from all of her crying. She answered back to her sister with a small nod. Lovina took a deep breath and grabbed her sisters arms and lifting her up. She faced her sister, looking straight into her eye and whispered, "Pack your things, we're leaving."


Hello! I do hope you enjoyed it. I'm still working on my writing skills so reviews and criticisms are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading and goodbye!

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