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Jack hesitantly made his way across the empty road. It was almost ten o'clock and the area looked like a ghost town. He looked around hoping that someone would be out so he wouldn't have to break into the shop. The streets however remained bare and despite the snow that was beginning to fall, Jack felt extraordinarily hot. He tugged off his hoodie but that seemed to do nothing to change the temperature. The snowfall had become heavier and as he approached the outside of the coffee shop he could see that a thin layer of snow had built up on top of his car now. He threw his hoodie on to the car's hood, and was about to walk up to All Hallow's door when he got a strange urge. The snow looked so cold and without further ado he scooped up a hand full of it and pressed it to his face. Almost at once the snow cooled his face, and just like before he left for work, the snow didn't melt. Before he could ponder this oddity the reason he was out here surfaced again in his mind. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and dropped the snow to the concrete. He looked back over to the darkened windows of the coffee shop and with more determination than he actually felt, stepped over to the door.

The door itself was the same as much of the ones the shops that lined the street, but this one had an odd old keyhole. Rust had made it's way around the edges and it looked somewhat like a triangle with a circle attached to the top. Jack pulled out the bobby-pin and gave it a curious glance, how in the world was he supposed to pick a lock? He had only heard a few time 'how' and that was just his friends from high school mentioning something about hearing clicks. He turned to see if North was still watching him and just as expected, North and Tooth were watching his every move through the shop's window.

"Well, might as well try this." With low hopes, Jack kneeled on the sidewalk and pressed his ear to the door. With a steady hand he inserted the bobby-pin and unsure what to do, jiggled it in the lock. To his surprise he heard several clicks in procession and the a final much louder click. Bewildered, Jack pushed the door and watched it open slightly. He had done it. He had somehow managed to pick a lock and now he was sneaking into Pitch's shop... He was sneaking into Pitch's shop. It had taken until now for his brain to actually process that he was breaking the law. He was breaking and entering, but he needed this job. Even if he was still going to be in debt next year at least he would be less in debt than if he hadn't had the job. Breathing in the cold air he took a step forward, clutching the package in hand and stepped into the dark shop, not noticing the trails of ice that surrounded the lock.

"Pitch!" After Jack's phone call had ended unexpectedly Loki had wasted no time in trying to get a hold of Pitch. However when call after call went unanswered, Loki decided that he would have to change up his methods. Leaping off of his bed and to the door he flung it open and nearly flew into the hallway. It was just his luck that someone was making their way down the hall way at this time. He ran up to the darkly dressed man with the ferociousness of a full grown lion.

"Your phone! Can I see your phone? It's an emergency!" He yelled, his voice becoming higher.

The man looked shocked but mutely nodded his head and reached into his pocket. Loki snatched up the phone and dialed the number he now knew by heart. It answered after three slow rings.

"Pitch! Don't hang up, it's an emergency! I think they are after Jack!" Pitch who had been about to push 'end call' the moment he heard Loki's voice, paused a moment, his eyes widening in shock.

"What do you mean they're after him? He's only been working here for two days! How would they even know that I have a new worker!" He shouted angrily. The man who owned the phone looked over frantically; He could hear the man on the other end of the call from where he was standing!

"He said it today, he told me 'Next time you get drunk with a Russian santa try not to mention me' There's only one 'Russian Santa' I know Pitch and I would never even look in his direction. Why do they know about him. And then he called when he was leaving your shop and, and his phone cut off mid word and I couldn't tell him to stay away from them-"

"Loki." Pitch cut him off with a dark and steady voice.

           "What is today's date?" Loki quickly looked over to the man beside him,

"What's today's date?" The dark clothed man looked up at Loki with bright green eyes,

"Umm, it's the 30th." Loki felt fear clench at his heart. What better way to let Pitch know it was time for their yearly rivalry than to hurt his new worker, after all it's what they had done to him.

"You don't think they would do that again do you?" His voice cracked and his hand was shaking. Pitch paused for a few moments to figure out what would be best to say and a car could be heard starting up in the background.

"I'm heading to the shop right now. He will be fine, don't worry." The call ended and Loki stared at the phone numbly before handing it back to the man with a quick thanks. Making his way back to the dorm, he stepped in and shut the door behind him soon after. When the green eyed man from before passed by the dorm room, all that could be heard from inside way a muffled hissing sound.

Battle of the coffee shopsWhere stories live. Discover now