Prolog pt 2

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Ring ring

Ran saw her phone beeping, she picked it up, the caller ID was Shinichi. She imediatly picked up.

Ran: "hello Shinichi! Finally you have called me... I was getting woried."

Shinichi: "Ran... I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I was being selfish making you wait for me but you have to let me go.."

Ran: "What do you mean Shinichi! What do you mean 'you have to let go'?"

Shinichi: "I'm not coming back try to move on, I know you liked me more then a firend, but I love you like a big sister.... Nothing more..... So I'm sorry... Goodbye Ran."

Shinichi hung up and Ran was left crying silently. Sonoko came into the room at that time and saw Ran crying.

Sonoko: "Ran!!! Why are you crying!"

Ran: "S-Shinichi, he told me he loved me as a big sister and he couldn't come back.."

Ran continued to cry and Sonoko continued to comfort her.

TBC - To Be Conitued

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