The Signs' Aesthetics #1

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Aries: Running rivers and chirping birds

Taurus: Red roses and blooming trees

Gemini: Summer sports and swimming in a pool

Cancer: Warm beach sands and misty breezes

Leo: Camping at night and hanging with friends

Virgo: Leaf piles and autumn breeze

Libra: Falling leaves and warm sweaters

Scorpio: Crunching leaves and crackling fires

Sagittarius: Faerie lights and sparkly snowflakes

Capricorn: Evergreen trees and frosty windows

Aquarius: Starry winter skies and warm cabins in the woods

Pisces: Rainy days and spring flowers

A/N: so there's a lot of different aesthetics for the signs, so I've decided to do a little series of them. Some of them will include pictures that I've put together, so look forward to that!

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