Opening to my crime story (English assigment)

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Intoxicated liquor

I eyed the young women up and down, her blonde locks trimmed and tucked neatly behind her ears and cupped around her pointed chin. Her slender fingers tightly gripped around the pencil as the other end met her thin cream lips. Her eyebrows enclosed into a deeper frown destroying the original gentle expression that she had held a few minutes ago. Her mouth opened, hesitated and then closed again, chewing furiously on the tip of the pencil, exposing the wooden color. She scribbled something down into her miniature palm notepad before returning her deep blue glaze back to me.

"That's the second person today.." Her breathe wafted up into the chilly mid autumn air as she spoke and filled my nose with the delightful fragrant of strawberry champagne. It almost felt nostalgic for a moment and my mind drifted off, now concentrating on something besides the case.

"That makes it the third person this week. All of the victims marked with the same symbol 'SSS' embedded on the side of their cheek with what looks like it had been carved in by a knife." Her voice continued to trail off into the distances as my head nodded to her statement as if I had become a bobby head, moving at a steady pace.

The street lights were dimmer on this side of the road, but it didn't matter for the night was already lit by the surrounding shops that make up the city's ground. I stood there dumbfound as I gazed around the open space that surround me, a familiar tune flowing through my head as I took a quick glance up at the open wild blue yonder, lit by millions, even trillions of stars that expanded far beyond my wildest imagination. The night's sun was only a quarter shown today, which makes the heavens look sorta magical I guess. You could just make out the faint music, if you listened hard enough, from 'the club' just a few blocks away. The ground reflected many different colors mostly from the shop's signs that illuminated the night. Pink, blue, green, red even purple. Signs of different colors all doing their bit to light the city up. It wasn't a perfectly clear view though, in fact you could just make out the name 'Taylor Locks' imprinted on the silver metal tag clipped onto her navy blue officer's uniform. At least it stood out more then my old shaggy brown coat and long pants. Typical detective clothing, I'd say.

She looked up at me with an eyebrow raised probably wondering why I haven't said anything this whole time. I don't usually talk much anyways, I tend to slip into a tiny world of my own and think.. I think a lot.. But isn't that what all detectives do? I guess not as much as I do, but they do do some thinking if not some more than others.

I cleared my throat making her shift uncomfortably in the spot she was standing and pointed my finger at the brightly lit pub just on the other end of the road.
"I don't drink." she almost said in a whisper, gingerly yet prickly to the ear.
I chuckled, sending tremors through the breeze. "We're not going there to drink Miss Locks." I pressed on her last name as if mocking her. She ignored my ill manner of speaking and continued "What business do we have there then Mr. Adams, If you're not going to the pub for a drink?' She spoke almost in a cunning way her lip pressed in together, annoyed. My foot dug into the ground, dust traveled through the air and hit my nose causing me to cringe slightly. "Well Taylor, the man that owns the pub Aaron, knows one of the victims very well, in fact the victim was known to be a heavy drinker and the man's nephew."
"Oh.." Was the exciting comment she gave as her face blushed slightly and took note of the new information she gathered.

We made our way across to the other end of the road keeping notice of the people walking pass us. Not many cars drive around this road, especially at night, you'd see one or two cars every few minutes. People tend to like to walk more these days, save on fuel I guess.

The pub exploded with flashing light and heavy metal music as Taylor and I squeezed our way pass people drinking, chatting, cheering and screaming along to the lyrics of the song. You could tell the pub was busy today as crowds of people just kept rushing in like there was no tomorrow. The atmosphere became denser and harder to breathe compared to what it was like in the fresh open air outside.
I took a hold of Taylor's cold boney hand making sure I don't lose her in the crowd and pressed my way through to the bartender who was serving one of his guest a cosmopolitan cocktail decorated with a twisted lemon zest, liquid nitrogen flowing out of the drink making it look as if it was a magic potion of some kind and served with a small plate of carbonated mojito spheres, all created with the help of molecular gastronomy.

I felt a dark eerie presence of a shadow as I approached Aaron but I couldn't be certain for there was so many people crowed here.
"Hello Aaron, I'm detective Adams, I believe we met yesterday afternoon concerning your nephew Mason, would it be alright to just to.." He walked up and faced me directly, cutting me off. I felt a sharp pain shot through my hands as he spoke.
"Sorry, I don't know who you are or this Mason guy you're talking about, I don't have a nephew.. I was an only child." His voiced boomed loudly through my ears.
Taylor gave me a puzzled look as we both backed away and headed outside again, my hand, bleeding.

 Taylor gave me a puzzled look as we both backed away and headed outside again, my hand, bleeding

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