Opening to my fantasy story (English assignment)

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My english op to a dark fantasy story
I'm not 100% happy with this one but meh..

Rotten flesh

The tempting smell of blood drew her nearer, her once neat bun now flew wildly in the flow of the wind, red as the flames that consumed her dark emotions. She had tried many times but couldn't resist the temptation drawing her deeper. Claws dug out from under the skin on her back, spread out like dark butterfly wings. She didn't want to be like this. Human.. She'd die to be one of them, live like them, breathe the same fresh air and be free.. free from agony of having to feast on human flesh to live. Her eyes blazed as her shadow fell upon the face of the petrified young boy that had grazed his knee that day. The dodgy lights and deserted path had made this even easier for her.
Cries and screams of agony echoed through the dirty alleyway that smelt of rotten eggs, as her fangs ripped through his skin drenching her white teeth in crimson blood. Destroying what was left of her sanity. The little white paper stained in blood was still tightly gripped in the boy's hand, a drawing labeled 'me and mum' and written in deep black ink was 'I love you mommy."


In this tragic world, the word trust could only be covered in lies, the word love could only be broken, hope could only be rewritten as despair, kindness could only be tramped on and sadness is what drowns you. Monsters known as Ghouls roam around freely disguised as humans, pulling people into alleyways and devouring their flesh, they almost go by unnoticed by people except for when they starve and have to rip apart human flesh to eat for supper.

Leila was one of them although she wish she wasn't, she often found herself spaced out, dreaming of belonging to the human race. "What would it be like to be normal?" She often asked herself, never finding the answer of course. "What would it be like to see blood and not go berserk or eat candy and not throw up or hanging out with friends without having to hide your identity from the police and avoid being slaughtered by the police's anti-ghoul weapon?" This very much worried Luna who was her 'angel and devil' she possesses three tails, dead black bat wings, a furry body of a cat and a round face of a white polar bear. It annoyed her very much that she had to constantly remind Leila she was not who she wishes to be. "The world's cruel!" Leila would pout and say every time Luna told her off.


The grey clouds that extended over the vast boundless skies bursted and screamed 'Pain!', splattering it's tears drenching mother earth in sorrow, darkening the empty midday city.
Broken promises and shattered dreams laid beneath her bare feet, hair darker than blood, soaked, eyes weary, cuts running across her arms. The soulless girl stood there, torn. "I'm sorry Erebus..." she choked to the closed heavens. "You know the consequences of disobeying the witch Goddess." Luna's voice came out as a shivering whisper down her ear.
"Why is it so wrong to want to be human?" Lelia spat, snatching the cup of death from Luna and bring it up to her lips not wanting to drink it, the metal cup felt cold in Leila's thin fragile hands and even though the sun was enclosed by the clouds, the golden trimmings around the cup still shone. Her lips parted , chugging down the liquid that burnt her throat like hell, she could feel the blood pumping through her veins and her heart beating at a rapid pace. Her whole body felt like it was about to explode, then stopped.

Leila sigh in relief, nothing had really changed, she was still her, but for some apparent reason she was craving for flesh.. Not any flesh, Luna's flesh.. She somehow felt the urge to dig her fangs into Luna's furry body and rip her flesh off. Luna who could read her mind panicked.

"Hey, Leila.. I thought.."

Leila stopped dead in her tracks, her gloomy sunken eyes glowed red, her claw wings stretched out from behind her, engulfing the remains of her heart and dying it black. "Well, you thought wrong." She smiled.. A dark smile... 😈


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