Lazy day

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I wake up in Ethan's bed with the sun shining in through the window, I feel an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, making me feel protected and safe. Looking at my phone and realising the time is 11:58am, I attempt to get up from Ethan's grasp without waking him up but fail as Ethan stirrs from his slumber. 

"Morning beautiful" he says in a low raspy voice that I find extremely hot, "Goodmorning handsome" Ethan attempts to give me a kiss but I move away "Babe i've got morning breath" "So it doesnt matter, i want a kiss" he whines dragging the 's' on 'kiss' "Okayyy" I say mockingly. I move closer to him acting like im gonna kiss him on the lips but actually kiss him on the cheek just to tease him, I peck him on the cheek and run to the bathroom with Ethan chasing behind but he eventually picks me up bridal style and spins me around "Ethannnnn!" I squeal "put me down!" "Or what?" said Ethan smirking "Or you won't be getting any tonight..." I said smirking and whispering in his ear "Okay okay!" He said rushing to put me down "Thank you!" I said skipping into the bahroom. I do my usual morning routine, brush my teeth, brush out my hair, clean my face and have a shower. I came out and got changed into some Nike shorts and one of Ethan's hoodies and walked to the kitchen, instantly the smell of omlette hits me "Grayson's making his famous,delicious omlette" I say "Yes I am, Morning y/n" says Grayson facing the  cooker "Morning Gray" I say sitting at the kitchen counter. A pair of arms are snaked around my waist and I know its Ethan "You know i have something better than Gray's omlette" Ethan says whispering "Oh yeah? and whats that" I say smirking "This di-" "Dude! TMI Ethan" said Grayson doing a disgusted face towards Ethan. 

"Mom always said to tell the truth" said Ethan, smirking walking away to the bathroom "That boy..." I said shaking my head giggling. Once Ethan comes back we sit and eat, "What should we do today then" asked Ethan but mine and Grayson's responses were only us shrugging our shoulders "We could just have a lazy day?" I suggested "After being busy with tour and everything i could really use a lazy day right now" said Grayson with Ethan agreeing "Cool bring all the good snacks to the living room and i'll set up Netflix" I said grinning walking into the living room. The twins enter with their arms full of snacks and they drop it on the coffee table, it was like heaven was sitting on our coffee table, a full range of snacks from Hersheys to Cheetos and etc. 

I flick through looking for a film, "We've basically watched all of these films already" said Ethan sitting on the space next to me and putting his arm around me while Grayson sat on the other side of the couch as he doesn't like "third wheeling" with me and Ethan. "Lets just watch Breaking bad" I said and the twins agreed, the tv show starts and me and Ethan cuddle while Gray gets out his phone and goes on snapchat taking a pic of me and Ethan with the caption "Third wheeling with these 2 suckssss" and continues watching the programme. I got a packet of hot cheetos and Ethan immediately opens his mouth and points at it and I give him a death glare as he knows I don't share food (Seriously me 😂😂 ) he then gives me the puppy eyes and i give up and give him one, instantly smiling after eating it. "You 2 seriously stop being cute and shit" said Grayson throwing a cushion at me and Ethan, "Shut up Grayson wait until you get a girlfriend, you'll be all lovey dovey and stuff" I said throwing the cushion back, hitting him straight in the face, making Ethan chuckle as Grayson gave me a glare.

Days like these made me happy that I met these two.


 I know i know ive been away for a while but its summer vacation so what do you expect, sue me. Anyways this sucked koala butt soooo yeah.....


ZARA outie xxx

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