"Dont worry I studied Martial Arts and Karate for 3 1/2 Years" I say and They look at me like I am Crazy.

That morning all of them Introduced them to me.

Then I here the bell ring.

"Oh My Gosh I am going to Be late" I say and Grab my Backpack. I run to class and make it in time.

The Morning Went great and now it was Lunch time. As I walk in the Hall I hear Boys whistling to me. That only makes me Blush worst.

As I walk I feel someone Stand next to me and I see Ethan.

"Hi Ethan Why are you here" I say.

"Um well... I just wanted... To Um... Say hi. Hi" He says.

Nice try Ethan but no you did not convince me.

"Ethan Johnson Whats Wrong" I say.

"Well Jenny told me for you to come sit on her table but I knew you will say no" He says and I nod.

"Oh Ok" I say and smile at him.

Aw that's so cute he's Blushing.

When we got in the cafeteria me and him walk to Jenny's table.

"There's My Girl"I hear Jenny say.

I sit next to her and See Conner smirking at me.

"What" I say.

"Nothing Just Looking at your eyes. You have Pretty ones" He says and that makes me blush.

"Yeah, Also Do you wanna Come to Conner's house. We are having a movie night" Jenny says.

Free ticket for me to get raped. I didn't trust Conner. I look up at him and see him Smirking.

"Yes Please I Like you. I wanna see how pissed you can get conner" Mason Says.

Pissing people. My number one talent. I like the idea. Why not.

Conner Glares at him and I nod.

"Sure" I say and they all cheer Except for Conner. What's wrong with this boy. Damn I wondered How many girlfriends he even had.

When schools Over

This day I decided to walk and not take the car. I mean my house is 10 Minutes away from school.

As I start walking, I hear People talking behind Me.

I turn around And see Ethan, Mason, Jason, Micheal , And the one and only Conner Johnson.

"Sup" Jason says behind me.

"Oh Um hi" I say not bothering to look at them.

"So What time is this movie thing?" I say.

"Well like at Six O'Clock" Ethan Says.

"Ok Well, I'll be there" I say and they nod.

Once I got home I see it was three thirty. I had Plenty of time left to have fun and Take off this uncomfortable Clothes.

Once I took my clothes of, I put on a Crop Top and shorts.

Wait a Second I never Had this crop top before.

This one is Jennifer's and yesterday I remember seeing my Mickey mouse shirt in my closet.

Jennifer Olivia Lewis.

"JENNY" I yell.

"WHAT" She yells back.


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