"My wife's family was here, she grew up here and as much as I hated being reminded of her everyday by being in her pack, I couldn't leave my daughters. One of them is expecting her first pup soon and I'm expecting a call at any moment now, but I'm here. With you." He hissed between his teeth.

"Since everyone seems to be expressing their feelings, is there anyone else who would like to voice their opnions? Any takers? Come on, don't be shy! I promise I won't get mad and kick anyone out." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

Most of their faces were looking at the ground in silence.

I sighed. "Alright...I have a better idea. Be honest. Everyone who still wants me to be there Alpha line up behind me. The rest, line up behind Bruce here."

I was anxious of the outcome but, I just had to know if I still had a chance of keeping this pack under my command. The first person who moved was Lionel and he stood on my side. A couple people followed him and I had almost three-fourth of the group behind me, but then I saw two of my men move towards Bruce. Martin and Roberto were their names. Martin was a grandson of one of the elders in another group and Roberto was the cousin of another elder in my group. 

"Sorry Alpha." I saw Martin mouth. I nodded back understanding his situation. Although we were a pack, the human part of us had a closer bond with our blood kin. 

Three more people joined Bruce's side including the all the elders present.

I looked at both sides and noted that mine was bigger. Nodding my head I said, "I thank all who remain on my side. As for the handful of you who differ, I hope you can give me the time to change your minds. We can work something out." 

"I'm still not leaving the pack" Bruce quickly added. "I just don't like that a cocky teenage boy such as yourself is running it." 

Was I really that bad before? I was a bit of a handful. Okay...I was sort of self-centered. Mean...bosy...I was even mean to my own mother...

"Shit, I really was an ass wasn't I?" I looked over my shoulder and asked the guys who stood behind me. 

"To be honest, you were." Brian said half-smiling.

I chuckled. Of course Brian would answer first; he was usually the first person I targeted my anger on, because he stood outside my office door. 

This was embarassing. I bet my old man is laughing down on me from heaven. If he were alive, I swear he would have slapped me across the back of my head right now and said, "You moron." 

"But we've been noticing you change lately." Lionel said. 

"Yeah, you've been less of an ass!" One of the men yelled from the back.

some of the guys chuckled at that.

"Must be because of Selene." Another one muttered, but I didn't know who. 

"He's become a doggie on a leash." Jerome yelled and got himself elbowed in the stomach. "If I could mess you up right now I would!" He threatened the guy that elbowed him. 

I heard a bunch of leaves rustling violently, but it quickly went away when I turned my head to the direction it came from; where Martin and Roberto were. The two were no were near a bush or a tree. In fact, there was only a couple of redwood trees and a stream behind them but yards away. When  they saw me staring at them, they looked at each other in confusion and then behind them. 

"Did you here that?" I asked Bruce who also looked at the two. 

"It must be the wind." He said.

"The wind doesn't move that abruptly. Everyone keep quiet for a second." 

Everyone, even Jerome, stood like statues and didn't utter a peep. Next thing we knew a large black wolf appeared charging straight at us with a number of wolves following him. 

"Alpha Soren." Bruce exclaimed.

The large wolf was Alpha Soren and he didn't look like he was stopping on his tracks. From our right, Richard Grant and his group gathered around us too. 

"What is this?" I screamed. 

This was not planned and I doubt from the angry scowl on Alpha Soren's face he was trying to pull a sneaky one on me. He looked pissed and it wasn't aimed at me. His wolf form started to morph back to his human. He didn't even bother with the clothes, but we were all guys here so it didn't really matter. 

"We need to get back to the house." He yelled at everyone in the field. 

"What's going on?" I asked alarmed. My first thought was Selene. She was in the house with my mother.  Did something happen?

Grant in his human form stood next to us out of breath. "We saw them."

"Saw who, damn it! Tell me who you saw on my land! I demand you tell me what is going on!" I yelled.

Alpha Soren looked at me with his pupils dark black. "The human hunters...the group that dared to take my mate from me years ago are on your land!" He snarled.

Marc saw his nephew and snorted. "You useless shit." 

"Right back at you uncle!" Jerome growled. 

"SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU!" Alpha Soren roared. "We need to head back to the house. They were heading there. I don't know how they found out we were here." 

"We can take them. We out number them." Grant said hopeful. 

"They have weapons and they have set traps around the area. I saw one. I thought it was made by one of own for this examination, but I smelt the wolfbane on the silver. These real human hunters are really determined to achieve their task this time." 

"What do they want?" Grant asked. 

"My mate, she is a white wolf." He cursed under his breath. "They're going to try and take her from me...again. They planned it perfectly. Attacking when my wife is at her weakest--with child. They must have found out I was not with her too." 

"We won't let that happen." I assured him. 

The hunters were heading to the house. They are going to go in there while my mate was there. I was getting upset by the second. I was going to rip their heads off before they even saw Selene. My wolf was boiling to protect our mate. 

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