"Not a bother at all. If you will excuse me I must return to my mistress." I grab a bottle of wine then quickly return to Xi's room. The two girls are already naked and one has been fed from.

"Took you long enough." She playfully chastised, "Jamie must have had to talk with you." I break my spell then sit back on the bed.

"She could still feel my presence. Even through the spell." Xi takes the wine bottled from me and opens it.

"She was a Wiccan before becoming a vampire. It is natural that she can still feel the presence of witches... Or her love for you truly is strong." I sigh as I come over to the other naked girl. My fangs come out then sink into her skin. When I am done I seal the wound for her. I look into her eyes then back to Xi. She extends her hand to me and I take it. She pulls me back into her embrace as the two girls begin to entertain us.

"You need not worry so much. You will get wrinkles on your brow if you do so." I roll my eyes at her. She only laughs as we continue through the night. I know I am right. No one ever forgets the touch or presence of someone they loved. Cruelly enough it drives me insane not to touch her. Her very touch, her voice, her entire being was in a way my sanity. I could feel that she thought she was going mad. Just like her I can feel my sanity slipping. Slipping further into the past of the woman I was. Being lost to the woman I am today. In reality I am nothing better than dust for doing this to her. Reality... Is a cruel teacher. I could have guessed she would feel me, my wife is no fool. Jamie could feel that I was there, and if she had touched me who knows what would have happened. I know certainly if I had touched her she would have known. Maybe I should expose myself to her. She might be willing to take me back now, or maybe not. Jamie, I am so sorry.


That woman could not possibly be her. I have watched her since I saw her. As far as I know she is Xi Yang's personal guard, assassin, and her lover. I felt in the pit of my gut that there was something off about that woman though. She is a witch and a vampire. Like Mercy she is a hybrid of our species. From what I have heard about her she seems faster than most of us. Her strength matches her age. And I have heard that she is fairly young. I have heard that she might be 100 or 110. No one outside of Elder Yang knows the truth. Besides her name of flame maiden she is also called the one of a thousand faces. Taking this into consideration I know that face I have seen must not be her real face. Her voice was also familiar. It sounded like Mercy with some modifications. I do not think it is my wife however, but it is not outside of possibility.

I open the door to my room. Saryia is staying with me. I know she is not one to be frightened, but she seems on edge. Lady Elaine called her to her chamber earlier, but Saryia did not go. I suppose that our lady might be upset with her for leaving without telling the truth on where she was going. Still I have never seen her this spooked. It almost be as if it muscle memory for her. Upset the lady and there are consequences that are too much for her to bear. I do not think Lady Elaine to be one of those masters who strikes her students. For her sake she better not be.

"What took you?" I come to sit next to her with a wine bottle.

"Thought some spirits would brighten your mood." She weakly smiles then lays down on the bed.

"Perhaps another time. I do not really feel like drinking tonight." I put the bottle down. She should want to drink. She did something amazing for us. She got us help against those demons. We can truly begin to fight back now.

"Your achievements deserve a toast. Why are you not so festive all the sudden?" She turn back over to me. She only looks at me then pulls me into her arms. I could not see it until not, but she has been shaking. The little shivers gently hum through her body.

"Himmel." She softly calls, "I. . . I will do anything to ensure your happiness. Do you know that?" I gently wrap my arms around her.

"Yes I do. Blume... I want you to be happy too. Do not push yourself for my sake. I do admit I have been acting as a drunk and nothing more. I wish to change that... May I be at your side during this war? I wish to prove my worth not only to the king, but to myself. As of late I feel as if I have been slipping in madness. I will not say Mercy is to blame for it all, but she does play a role in it. I thought I felt her when I looked into the eyes of Elder Xi Yang's mistress."

"I understand that she has caused you pain. Listen well to me, do not expect to succeed in this war if you cannot put the war you fought before to rest. Do you understand?" I nod and rest my head on her chest.

"You are shaking. What causes you to do this? The King, Elders, Grand Elders, Princess Ammie, or something else?" She looks down at me then shakes her head. I can tell when she is trying to protect me from something. I know there are truths that she hides from me only because she cares about my feelings and well being. She does not need to do that. I am not a child anymore.

"I cannot say. A combination of all most likely. I will also need to begin manufacturing of the code modifiers. There is much to do in what seems so little time." As her fingers lightly brush against my arms her body begins to relax. I rest my head gently against her silent chest. I do remember when her heart used to be beat so softly. It was my lullaby and in many ways my sanity. In the new confines of our lives sanity like the distant memory of her heartbeat might fade. I think the life of a vampire is sad in this way. I believe soon we will all loose our sanity at some point in time. Unable to go back to the time when we were all sane due to the fact that we will never know peace. We will not know death naturally. I suppose that is one advantage of mortality. Reality is a cruel teacher.

Origins(GirlxGirl)(Forth Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now