Chapter 12

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The neighbors heard me and called 119.(Authors note:BTW this accurate as fuck I did my research). The Paramedics were there within minutes which felt like hours to lift him off and take him away to the hospital. The hospital was close so I followed the ambulance by foot. Outside, it was cold and rainy and I had no jacket, I didn't even notice myself shivering since I was already numbed from shock. All I could do was sit in the waiting room. I was left to think and worry.

"It's not fair" I whispered to myself

The hospital bright lights made me feel paranoid. The bustling of doctors' feet from hallway to hallway made me feel as if I were never alone.The whispering of nurses, talking of patients, filled my ears.

"He's so handsome and young, it's a shame he's a no good street rat" a nurse chatters

"Is that his wife "? The other nurse directions towards me.

" I hope not, I think I might have a chance after he wakes up" the nurse gossips.

"Don't listen to those old ladies, y/n" A familiar voice said from above me.

I look up to see Aoba's worried faced and frowned hazel eyes look down at me. Clear and Koujaku caught up behind him,both out of breath.

"You're all wet, you're going catch a cold" Aoba said as he draped his warm jacket over me.

"Thanks, Aoba"

" We heard everything from that nurse, y/n ,are you alright" Koujaku said having a look of concern on his face still breathing heavily.

"I'm fine........." I said fidgeting with my hands and mustering up a smile.

"Are you really, y/n-chan?"Aoba questioned peering into my half gloomed face.

"I'm fine guys. Alot of stuff has happened but I can put up with it. I'm just as tough as you guys"....... Are the only words I can say to them without falling apart into tears. I have no support left mentally or emotionally. I've lost so much in such a small amount of time.

Though koujaku could see right through my attempt of putting up my own baracades .

In one swift motion Koujaku pulls me into embrace.

"Then don't say you fine when you're obviously not. We care about you and want you to tell us when you're sad or pissed off. That's what we're here for. I'm sorry for not being there to protect you. It is okay to be weak! Just tell us! Tell me."

"Koujaku " my eyes started to water.

"Just know that whatever happens we'll be there for you no matter what." Clear said grabbing both of my hands.

"We love you y/n. You'll always be our little sister" Aoba ruffled my hair before sitting down next to me. At that point I couldn't hold my tears back. I cried as if I had held back those tears for my entire life .

"Thanks guys, everything. I love you all too" I said as I sniffled and wiped my face.

From then on we all waited all night for any news or notice on Noiz.

WTF JOSIFY that took way too fucking long for an update on such a short chapter!!! I'm sorry folks. I got a new phone so all of my storie chapters were backed up on that device and hard to restore on the one I have now.Thanks for reading😁 I love you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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