Chapter 3 : First meeting

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"Join Ruff Rabbit then" he said.
Noiz had constantly been asking me to join Ruff Rabbit since we first met.


It was a Friday and Koujaku,Noiz,Clear, and I came over to have dinner with Aoba and Tae-san. I pretty much knew everyone at the table except for the handsome stranger with piercings.He was quite persistent back then.

"So (y/n), how was work?" Aoba questioned.
"It was really rough, there were so many meetings called last minute so I couldn't eat all day".
"What do you do now" Koujaku questioned.

"I'm a secretary for a large video game company" I replied.

"It's better than your last job right?" Koujaku said in relazation.

"I guess.To be honest ,I wanted to be a video game creater instead of a secretary but I guess my eight years of studying computer code went to waste" I could feel a small frow on grow on my face.

"Where do you live" Noiz interrupted.

"Can you go one day without being creepy as hell,you god damn brat" kajaku yelled across the room.

"You wanna go! Old Man" Noiz challenged.

Just before things got furry Tae-san grabbed both of the adult men's ears.

"Stop horsing around the dinner table like a bunch of morons"Tae-san demanded.

"Yes mam"


"Now (y/n), answer the young man's question".

"I live in the Platinum Jail" I replied.

"Now how is that?"

"Excuse me" I replied

"How do you make enough money to live in the Platinum jail? It's certainly not working as a secretary at some high end video game company" Noiz questioned.

"I um, um"

"She sells video game information"Clear interrupted.

"Clear"Aoba shouted

"No, it's fine. I may work in the financial branch of the company but I did study enough coding to earn the title of professional . In a way, It is my revenge for being hired as a secretary.All updates,files,and model I have access too.Somtimes I get lucky and sell the info to other gaming companies and get paid enormous amounts of cash".

"In a way you're just like Noiz, he doesn't sell video game information but sells Ryhme information" Aoba says.

I look back at the man with piercings.
^Who is this guy^ I think to myself.

Time skip

"Thank you for the meal,it was heveanly as always Tae-san".

"You're always welcomed here (y/n), keep safe"

"Goodnight Aoba,Good night Tae-san" you parted kissing her on the cheek.

As I started home I could here heavy footsteps behind me . I turned around and didn't see anything, let alone anyone.As I started walking again the steps got louder and louder.Instinctivly I started to run. I knew Aoba lived in the "old residential district" but it's usually not this bad at night . I was only a block away from my apartment complex so I decided if I took the back alley ways I could escape my so called stalker.

^Just one more left here and im home fr-^ my inner dialog was interrupted when I ran smack into something and fell backward.


"You okay miss"

It was the man with the piercings that asked you all those questions at Aoba's.

"Oh my God you're bleeding" you exclaimed.

Blood gushed from his skull and drippled down to his left cheek.

"It's fine" he said.

"My place is just around the corner, I'll clean it up"

"It's fine"he said with a annoyed tone in his voice.

"Please let me help you "you pleaded.


You hurried up the stairs with the hancurchief you had in your bag pressed against his head. I unlocked the door and rushed to the kitchen to find the first aid kit.
"What's your name?" I questioned

"It's only polite to give your name first"

For the moment you were on your best behavior and decided not to choke him for saying something so rude.

"It's (y/n)"

"I'm Noiz".

"It's very nice to formaly meet you" I said.

I continued to tend to his wound and then he decided to break the silence.

"You should join Ruff Rabbit".

"I don't get involved in that stuff".

"And the stuff you do now "he said sarcastically.

"If you can give me a reason to join I'll do it".

"Ok then" he said as he got up.

"Wait,I'll walk you home" you exclaimed.

"You don't need to" .

You watched him walk to the end of the hall and pull out a key ring.

"He's my neighbor!!!

End of Flashback

"I'll do it for you Noiz".
Noiz gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Does this count as a reason" he said.

"Yeah, watever".
Ok so I'm sorry for all the grammar mistakes in this one but I hope you like it.Lol grammar nazis♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

Noiz x Reader: Pierced PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now