The Thirty-Third Letter

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Dear Jake,

You are probably wondering how I found out about Danny. Well...when I went to his house, after dinner he led me to his room. Then he had to go to the bathroom, and his computer was opened. I might've checked his recent emails to make sure he wasn't talking to other girls...Jake, this is perfectly normal. Then I saw this file called 'Girls'. I clicked on it, and it led me to a page for each girl. And when I saw their profiles, it said that they were younger than us by two years. It also said how many times they were abused. At first, I thought Danny was trying to help them. But then he got an email saying, "Dud. here's the file for that girl your seeing, Kennedy Harrison. Good luck with her." Then I ran out of the room. When I ran past his parents, I said, "Look at your son's computer." And then I left, walking home, and now I'm writing to you. Jake, I'm scared. Really scared. What would've happened if I never looked at that computer?


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