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Demi POV

This article is going to ruin Karoline’s recovery. It is talking about how she looks pregnant. She doesn’t, but she has gotten thicker, like she should. I am so mad about this, she is only 14. This is going to kill her. I called my manager.

“What can I do about this,” I asked.

“Nothing, unless you want to buy all the magazines,” he said.

“I don’t want to do that,” I said. It was a waste of probably over $50,000.

“What do you want to do about it,” he asked.

“I don’t know, this is going to ruin her recovery, there is no way I am jeopardizing it,” I said.

“You go through this every day,” he pointed out.

“She doesn’t and I feel bad that I make her go through it at all. I am used to all the stuff that they say  to me,” I said.

“Look Demi, you have been a mom figure to her for a long time and better than that you have been idol to her most of her teen years. You have been her ‘adoptive’ mom for almost a year. I promise you will know what to do,” he said.

“Okay, thanks,” I said and hung up. I didn’t know what to do. I could tell her, but she would be devastated. I could let her find out, and then she would feel like I have lied to her. I don’t want her to be mad at me, so I am going to go with the first thing. I don’t know she could end up hating me either way. It was really late, so I will tell her in the morning.


“On the latest E!News, Demi Lovato’s daughter is probably the most talked about child in Hollywood right now. It is rumored that she is pregnant, but I don’t think she is pregnant, but could it just be weight gain? I am Giuliana Rancic and this was E!News,” she signed off.

I heard this as I woke up. God, she wasn’t watching it was she? I shot up off the couch and thankfully she wasn’t down here. It was just the television. She was probably upstairs right now. I don’t know how to keep this from her; I have no other choice than to tell her. I walk upstairs and she is in her room blasting music. I don’t know how I don’t wake up from it half the time. Sky doesn’t either, but Sky was in belly while I was doing different concerts.

I walked into her room and she smiled and turned down the music.

“I have to talk to baby girl,” I started.

“What,” she asked. I knew she was getting inpatient.

“Okay, so you know paparazzi have no lives and everything. They don’t do anything, but hurt people,” I said.

“Yeah, I know what about it,” she asked.

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