Chapter 4

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I finished out that week with a perfect record of no self-harming. Demi helped me a lot. I loved her for that, even before we met in person she still helped me, and for that I will be forever grateful. We were going seperate ways, I was kind of sad about it. I could FaceTime her, text or call her anytime. I promised myself that I wouldn't talk to her because she is a celebrity didn't need someone like me bringing her down. I hugged her goodbye and then Audrey and I were on our way. I got a text from Demi immediately and I told her I would text her later, that I would be sleeping most of the time because I was really tired.

I finally got home and mom was waiting for me.

"You dumb bitch, where have you been," she yelled.

"I am sorry, I was with a friend I told you that," I said nicely. She got up and must have got offended because she slapped me. I was used to it and I deserved it. I went upstairs and went straight to sleep. The next day I had school,

"That should be fun." I thought to myself

I hated school even more than I hated myself and that was a lot.

I got up the next morning and got dressed in my usual jeans, hoodie, and hair in a ponytail. I walked to and from school because I wanted too. It gave me time to think. I was finally ready and mom wasn't drunk, she was excited. That was different, she said she got a job and we were getting transferred somewhere. That was the first time I'd seen her this excited since I couldn't remember when. I felt like doing something different instead of arriving to school an hour early to study. I ran upstairs to actually wear something other than what I was used to.

I ran upstairs and turned on my curling iron, so I could make really big bouncy curls. I went to my huge walk-in closet. I picked out some cute blue jean shorts and a pink fringe tank top. I went to my shoe section and picked my white all-star converse. I got a cute messenger style bag. I looked really cute. I went into the bathroom and did my hair. I finished it off with a white bow. I got my stuff and got Ryan to come and pick me up.

I would have been late if I walked. He picked me up and I told him I would be walking home. I got out and headed to the courtyard at the back of the school. I took a deep breath and walked out the doors. I spotted Audrey waiting for me. She looked at me and smiled then squealed. Everyone looked at her then looked at me. Everyone's mouth dropped. I had never worn anything other than my usual. My favorite hoodie, black skinny jeans and black converse. I walked over to Audrey and ignored the stares.

I talked to her for the time I had left. I went to my first class and sat at the back like usual, but I was going to participate. My math teacher walked in and took roll.

"Okay today we are going to work on Algebra," she said. I was in an advanced class, so I was smart, I just never showed it.

She wrote m-9=14, "Does anyone want to solve it?" It was really easy the answer was m=23. I raised my hand and she looked at me and nodded.

"The answer is m=23 because the balance step is +9 on each side, so m=23," I wrote on the board and sat down.

I finished all my classes and I wanted to get home. I needed to talk to my mother and maybe she wasn't drunk. I walked in and mom and dad were sitting there.

"We are moving your mom got a job in California," dad said.

"What? When," I screeched.

"In two weeks or at least you are. Your mom and I are going tomorrow," mom explained.

"Okay where are we moving to in California," I asked.

"In L.A., we picked a really nice house and it isn't that far away from your mom's work. It has a private trail and other things like that," dad said.

"Okay I am going upstairs, can I have a friend over?" I asked.

"Not today, but tomorrow when were gone," dad screamed. He wasn't nice when he was drunk or when he wasn't. I now couldn't tell the difference. He wasn't acting violent toward me, so he must not be drunk. I went upstairs and texted Audrey what was going on and told her that she could come over tomorrow after school.

I woke up the next morning and got my normal attire on instead of the clothes I had on yesterday. My parents were gone and I had to start packing that after school. I had to tell Audrey. I had't talked to Demi either. I was thinking about not talking to her. She was a celebrity and she did't need me hanging around. I got to school and everyone looked at me. Was I what they have time to spend to talking about?

I finished out the day and Audrey and I walked to my house.

"What do you want talk about," Audrey asked.

"Umm I am moving to California," I spit out.

"What, since when," she yelled.

"My mom got a job in California, and my dad he can work from home, so he had no objections," I explained.

"Oh okay, have you talked to Dems lately," she asked.

"No not really, why," I asked.

"She is just wondering about you," she stated.

"Okay, let's go. Can you help me with the packing that is going to suck," I laughed.

We packed all my clothes and the stuff that I didn't need to use on a daily basis. I left all the stuff I did need in boxes, but where I could get to them easily. I was finished and Audrey was staying the night because her mom didn't care. We were going to get something to eat and then watch a movie. The next day we were going to school like always. Audrey spent the rest of the week with me, so we could spend some time together before I left.

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