I push the handle as hard as I can. But it's really stuck. I yell for help but no one can hear me over the deafening roars. Most of the wizards attack it, but their attacks aren't doing anything to it. Others have run away or are helping the wounded researchers. The dragon breathes blue fire at Sabertooth. Most of them managed to dodge thankfully. Sting ran to the side of the dragon and waves his hands in the air. He caught the dragon's attention and it followed him.
"STING WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I faintly hear Rogue yell.
"I'M A DRAGON SLAYER AREN'T I?" He yells back before running away.

Another dragon comes through. This is a light brown one.

 It roars loudly nearly making me deaf

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It roars loudly nearly making me deaf. Melody runs up to me and helps me push. Her wolves forming a protective circle around us. Even with our combined strength, the handle won't budge. I steal a glance behind me and see that Rogue is leading this dragon away.

Two more dragons are fighting for space to get through. One is silver with purple wings. The other is completely red.

 The other is completely red

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The red one breaks through first and breathes fire at everyone

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The red one breaks through first and breathes fire at everyone. Natsu quickly eats the fire and leads the red one away. Gajeel leads the other in a different direction. Lucas and Levy have both run to the handle as well. But the handle won't move an inch.

Another dragon makes an appearance. It's black with turquoise wings.

He flies into the air and Wendy immediately follows it

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He flies into the air and Wendy immediately follows it. I hear a someone next to me. I look over and see a cloaked figure standing there.
"Use your keys..." They say.
"Who are you?" Melody asks as I reach for my keys.
"No one important." They say as they back away. I pull out my keys and throw them into the air.

One more dragon comes through. It's completely purple. It flies away and Laxus chases it along with Evergreen, Bixlow and Freed. My spirits appear from the keys and they push the door sides so it closes. Six dragons came through. Just like what I saw earlier.

We all decide to split up to find the dragon slayers. Melody, Happy, Plue and I were going to find Natsu. We ran through some streets that had been evacuated already. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Natsu flies down and crashes into a nearby building.
"Natsu!" We all yell and run over to him. The dragon lands next to us and stares. I look into his red eyes and see something there. I'm not sure what it is though. The dragon is about to breathe fire on us when Happy stands in front.
"Happy!?" I say.
"I won't let you hurt my friends!" He yells. The dragon stops and seems to hesitate for a second. He lifts one of his giant feet up. He then swipes it at Happy. Plue, as quick as light, jumps at Happy and knocks him out of the way. Luckily none of them were hurt.
"Listen here you dragon!" Melody yells at the dragon. He looks at her quizzically.
"If you think you can mess with Fairy Tail and get away with it, you're far from the truth my friend." She says. "Those who hurt, or even try to, are bad...things...in my books. And I destroy bad things."
"Ooh, I'm so scared!" A voice says that seems to be on the dragon's back. Natsu, suddenly realising what's happening, bolts upright. He sees the dragon. He sees Happy and Plue. He sees Melody about to burst. He sees my worries eyes. And he sees the person I'm looking at.


Me: and done.
Lucy: who am I looking at?
Me: well you're looking at me, but you want to be looking at Natsu. Fufufu. 😆
Lucy: what did you say?
Me: nothing!
Mira: she just said the honest truth. 😊
Natsu: I'm confused.
Wendy: why's that.
Natsu: it didn't say who she was looking at.
Me: well nah...
Happy: aye...
Me: anyway...let's end before Natsu kills us with his stupidity.
Natsu: HEY!
Lucy: For once she has a point.
Me: I always have a point.
Mira: GUYS!
Wendy: SHUT!
Happy: UP!
Me: ok ok..everyone say bye.
Everyone: byieeee

Nalu: The Pirate Princess (completed)Where stories live. Discover now