Chapter 4: He's. . ?

Start from the beginning

We arrived at Lake Kilroy, after what seemed like hours of running, though I know it was only a few minutes time. Every minute those mutts go breathing feels like an eternity. We came to a halt, and I noticed something across the lake. A huge mansion stood proudly near the edge of the lake.

How did we not notice that before? We started to run again, making our way around the lake. We slowed to a trot when the mansion came into sight and then halted entirely.

I glanced into the forest that surrounded the house, and managed to find a few dozen rogues sprinkled around the forest. We spread out and moved in, first we had to take out the rogues outside then we could deal with the rogues on the inside. A rogue came into view, I fell low to the ground and crept up alongside him.

The moron didn't even notice me. I lunged at him and sunk my teeth into his neck, ripping out his throat in a few quick movements. He fell to the ground, choking on his own blood as a pained whimper left his mouth.

The life slowly drained from his crimson eyes, leaving me with a feeling of satisfaction. From the corner of my eyes I could see other's doing the same. We moved from one side of the building to the other, leaving dead rogues in our wake.

Every pained cry and broken whimper had my blood lust rising. When we finished killing the rogues outside we gathered around the huge double doors at the front of the mansion. Orion stood infront of the doors, taking a deep breath, growling his exhale. I took a deep breath and realized just what had Orion so ticked. There had to be dozens upon dozens of more rogues inside.

Alpha Orion took a few steps back then ran full speed, his body colliding into the doors with a loud crash. The door flew off their hinges and went sailing inward, making some rogues yelp as they jumped away to dodge the doors. One wasn't quick enough and got nailed in the face, making Cerberus and I chuckle darkly. All the rogues stared at us, a sadistic gleam dancing in their eyes as they glared.

They all started to growl and snarl, bodies tense and ready to spring into battle.

It was a staredown between us and them, the air was silent accept for the soft growls- outside the birds have stopped cirping, squirrels stopped chattering, all of nature was silent, as if waiting patiently for the bloodshed that was sure to come. Then the spell broke, the rogues charged and we quickly pooled into the mansion and met them head on.

Me and a rogue locked our claws into eachother's shoulders, each going for the throat. I pushed him back before he could deal the fatal blow, sending him tumbling. I jumped him before he could recover and tore his throat open.

The sharp taste of blood filled my mouth and had Cereberus howling in glee. As soon as he was dead I went to move on to another rogue, but came to a halt as a familar scent found my nostrils.

It was faint, bearly distinguishable over the scent of rogues. But I was sure I smelt it. Rasberries and cream. No, impossible. My mate can't be here, she can't. It must be my mind playing tricks on me. But despite my denials I looked around, my eyes coming to rest on a creamy white wolf. I couldn't see her well, but I knew it was her. My mate was here.

Most of her body was hidden under a large sofa, but I could see her eyes as clear as day. They were looking onward, and were glazed over with absolute horror.

I followed her eyes to the reason of her fear in the form of a huge black wolf, who was currently stalking towards her. From the looks of him he was the alpha of the rogues. My body went rigid, I heard of some of the things rogue alphas do to their packmates. Is that what happened to her?

My body shook as Cereberus went from angry to fucking livid. "He dies now!" He snapped, followed by a string of obscenities. I ran through the crowd, trying to get to her before the alpha did. I was halfway there when a rogue bit into my ankle and pulled me back, the pain bearly registered as I flipped around and tore open his throat before he had the chance to even blink. I turned back around, and continued to run.

Through the crowd I caught a glimpse of the rogue alpha, with one swipe from his paw he scent the sofa flying, leaving my mate open for attack. Her whole body started to tremble like a leaf as she backed up into the wall, even though I could barely hear myself think over the snarls and yelps I could hear my mate's whimper plain as day.

I was almost there when I was tackled to the side. Sonofabitch. Another rogue jumped on my back, digging his claws into my flesh and embedding his fangs in my shoulder while the other clawed at my side.

I swiped at the one attacking my side before flipping around, snapping at the other rogue violently as I tried to buck him off. He shook his head like a ravanous dog, warm blood pouring down from my shoulder that was pretty much ripped to shreds.

I fell onto my back making the rogue yelp as a few ribs cracked under my weight. I rolled over and slashed at his throat. As much as I wanted him to suffer I didn't have the time.

Getting to my feet I looked back to where my mate was, just intime to see the alpha throwing my mate to the ground. "Fucker." She tumbled a few feet but quickly recovered, bouncing back onto her feet. Then she started running straight towards me. I assumed she must have been running from the alpha but then I saw the look in her eyes. Her eyes shown sorrow and. . . regret. But why?

She growled at me, the hairs on her back standing tall. Oh shit. "What the hell are you doing Garrett?" Orion barked through the pack link. "He's. . ." He, the fuck, my mate is most definitely a female why the fuck did I say he? "my mate." I finished, still confused but I didn't have time to think about it.

Her eyes locked with mine as she lunged for me. Her claws dug into my injured shoulder making me cry out as a sharp pain slashed through me.

I tried to get her off carefully, but before I could pry her off my back she had jumped off and was clawing at me, moving constantly. One bite from one side then she was on the exact opposite side swiping at me. "Doesn't she realize we're mates?" Cereberus asked in disbelief and shock. She was quick, and her attacks were so random I didn't know where to expect her next strike to come from.

Even though her attacks hurt and were slowly bleeding me to death I was beaming with pride, she really knew how to fight. She slowed just enough to give me an opening. I jumped, tackling her to the ground. Well shit, what do I do know? I can't exactly explain that we are mates at the moment.

She kicked me off with her powerful back legs. I knew in that moment she wasn't going to stop her attack unless I told her- wait, Cereberus can connect to my mate's wolf even if we aren't mated yet.

"I can't Garrett, she put a block around herself that's impossible to get through." He said in disappointment. Her eyes bore into my very soul, and I noticed they were different than the usual rogue eyes. They're all the same though, red. But my mate, her eyes were blood red with specks of black.

Suddenly her eyes glazed over and she stopped her attack. The black spots shrunk away until they finally vanished, making me wonder if they were ever there to begin with.

I didn't know what I expected to happen, but I certainly didn't expect her to freeze as fear glazed over her eyes. I almost whined, but quickly stomped it down before it had a chance to break free. One question was going through my mind- Why does she fear me?

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