Trapped in traps

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Time: 9:30 am

I escaped as fast as i could from the pent house. I think he haven't yet seen the news. I don't want to bear the crazy him alone , so i rushed to office. As I'm walking through the staff are mumbling good mornings and giving me sympathetic looks.

I know why.... The news travels more faster than a wild fire.

I nodded at them, feigning confusion acting as if i don't know why they are giving me those looks. I went to my cabin and opened my laptop to see the current news. My mail box is literally over flowing with mails, asking about xavier.

Seriously, this is too much response for a person in a single night. People must be crazy.

I never thought to reveal the pic, keeping matthews in mind but my anger flared up after i opened my laptop at home yesterday.

The fake news about jason & me making out, in the office spread like a, virus and people were commenting about my character and sympathizing xavier, for being stuck up with me.

Huh... I'm the one who is stuck up with that giraffe head.

Some even dared to put mails to my personal account , commenting on me and calling me names. and how they wouldv'e worshipped xavier, if they were in my place.

I wouldv'e shown them, my ways of worshipping him if they were infront me.

I don't have a doubt that those were all girls who wish to catch the rich fishes. But i don't know how the news leaked out. What really pissed me off, is guys anonymously asking my price for a single night. I traced the site where the news is posted and it is from an anonymous account.

Oh.... Xavier, so you want this game seriously, then lets play and get ready for the blow. I created a fake account, then i edited the image so that matthews face can't be seen.

Well, i thought of taking a pic of xaviers flat face and broken nose , so i kept my mobile ready before tripping him .But never in my life i thought my mobile would capture such a pic which I'm using now for my revenge.

I immediately posted the picture and drifted to sleep , peacefully.

Now, I'm waiting in my office for the storm to wash over my cabin. I'm checking what the PR people are doing to get down the raised alarm, i heard my door bursting open with an ear piercing shrill of xavier calling my name.

Yes, yes , that's what i felt yesterday when i saw the news and accusations. Take that... Experience how it feels to be accused when you are the victim....

I raised an eyebrow and grinned at him, he is shaking with anger with his grey orbs spitting fire. I was so delighted, that i made him loose his composture.

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