Revelation s

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I was shocked to see my mother inside my apartment. Well now the question is how the hell does she knew that im living here. I was too dumbfounded to speak anything while she was grinning evilly. I was brought down to earth by ash nudging me.

"Well..... I think you are too happy to speak anything, so shall we go home now... " with that she started dragging me with her. Ash stopped her telling her stuff like you cant take her with out her consent.

But she just ignored him saying"get out of my way. I dont need to answer dumbass guys like you whom she sleeps with " with that he stood their shocked. I stopped her and yanked my hand out of her hold. I dont understand the reason why despises her own daughter this much.

"I said i wont be living in the mansion . im 21 and you cant make me do whatever you want. The party too i just came on dads words. Now please leave me alone and go away. "With that i started walking towards the door, and i know she cant take me from here with out having a fight with me. I also knew that she dose nt want anything written about her tommorow in media.

"What if its your dad is the one who wants you to live in mansion this time ? "

I stopped and turned around, "dad would never force me to do which i dont want to do..... "

She laughed and dialled on her mobile "oh darling..... Tell your daughter what you just told me".
With that she gave her mobile to me, i heard only one sentence " come home , alex. "

That 3 words are enough to go and pack my stuff . i was worried because he never sounded like that. she stood outside smirking at me, while ash helping sliently with my stuff. Finally finshing all i came out with a duffel in which all my imprtant things are present , while other things in 2 boxes. Ash and me carried the boxes down and helped them into the car. My mum already sat in the car. I saw him he smiled at me but his eyes are filled with sadness. He knew that i am determined to go, so he didnt stop me.

"Will you meet me again , alex"

I smiled and said" even if you are not willing to.. "

He hugged me, before i could return it, car honked and he released me. I sat in the car and waved at him. Then we drove off to mansion. If it was some other person in my mums place ash would ve punched him before me. But her being my mother is the only thing that stopped him.

Even though he tried to converse with her , he was taken aback by my mothers words. I saw the pure shock on his face, when mum talked to him like that. My mother never knew that he was my childhood friend. She never knew any of my hobbies , friends, nor any thing about me.

While all these thoughts running in my mind, we reached our mansion. I just hopped out, with out giving a glance to my mum i ran towards dads room. He wasn't there in his room, Nor in his office. If he was n't their here then i knew were he would be, I ran through the back door of kitchen and ran into the woods at the back of mansion.

Well its actually an estate situated in acres, so its got plenty of greenery. I ran towards south towards our secret spot. We have a lake with a small wooden cottage near it, atleast 7 miles away from mansion. I ran as fast as i could thanks to my daily morning runs , dance, and yoga. I reached there in 1/2 hr, but as soon as i opened the cottage door i was shocked with the scene infront of me.

Dad was coughing out blood, and gasping for air. I ran towards him, helping him to stand over the washbasin to vomit it out. I rubbed his back, and after washing his mouth i made him sit on the bed and i kneeld beside the bed. I was unable to stop my flowing tears as i saw him in this condition. He was relaxed but then it hit me to call the ambulance. As i am dialling he caught my wrist, and shook his head.

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