You're mine.I'm yours.we both are enemies always.

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Xavier's POV

Though i hate to admit it, i have to say this. Arya is beautiful, extremely. Beautiful in everything, even having a birds nest on her head and in her pajamas she looked adorable. Bussiness attire, casuals, jeans, skirts everything suits her.

When i first saw her at party I'm very confident that she would fall for my charms. Even after the marriage , i thought she would give in to me. But surprisingly she is immune to all my charms. Irritatingly she is one stubborn , hard headed & hard working women.

It is really rare to see such beauty with a smart brain. I don't know what came over me when i hugged her, but i felt rejected when she didn't return it. I mentally cursed my self for initiating the contact, and determined not to touch her until she came begging for me by herself.

Well, but i love to annoy the hell out of her, coz she looks like a cute kid with increasing green specks in her grey orbs, which are perfect enough to draw attention from any male around her with sound mind.

Today my parents are coming to meet us, so i assigned the cuisine to sarah whose skills were surprisingly increased since my marriage. They would be here almost for dinner, so there is plenty of time for her to select the dishes. I wanted the dinner to be special, so im guiding her personally. I asked her to inform arya , and also to mail the dishes names which she selected for my approval.

Around afternoon i got a mail of dishes, which are surprisingly great from the main course till dessert. But i couldn't see a single sea food dish. She knew that my family loves sea food including me. I called her for a change in the cuisine.

"Hello, sarah.. The dishes are good but why didnt you add the sea food? "

"Mr. Knights , im sorry i forgot to tell you that mrs. Knights selected the dishes in the morning. I asked to include a sea dish but she refused it. "

"Did you tell her that its a favourite dish for our family? "

"Er... No sir, excuse me she was in a hurry , when she scribbled the entire contents on a paper and left to office. "

I was thinking for a moment, and said her my decision and hung up the call.

I stared from my glass cabin to the corridor, where arya is deeply engrossed in some project work. I couldn't help but my lips curved up, but with out my knowledge it turned in to an evil grin.

Arya's Pov

It was a hectic day, i didnt even had time to grab my lunch . I ate only a apple for break fast but i was so engrossed in work that until maya, my colleague told me it was 5 in the afternoon. Gone my lunch break, and now im really looking forward for tonights dinner.

Well, being the wife of the CEO had its own disadvantages. My colleagues are afraid to have a freindly talk with me, with out stiffening or sweating. But maya is an entirely different piece , very persisent on being friends with me. Though i glared at her, she laughs pinching my cheeks , and ends up saying she loves my attitude.

Ooff! Finally, im done and i rushed to home, /er... Xaviers home/ in my car. He left early saying that he need have a small private talk with his parents. I dont understand how this egostical person is son of such a nice , down to earth couple. I liked them, since our meeting at my home, and im looking forward to meet them.

As i reached , i stood in the doorway looking at the cute family infront of me. They were talking and laughing to the silly jokes .I was snapped out of my trance when amelia made eye contact me, and started excitedly walking towards me.

She pulled me into a breath knocking hug, which i returned happily. Then i hugged marco, which he smiled and returned. Though he seems intimidating he is a big sofie. Then i noticed the remaining person in the room, who was staring at me intensly.

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