Chapter 1

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Slowly dragging the hairbrush through her dark brown hair in front of the mirror, Areesha pondered on what her life had become. From the young carefree girl whom everyone loved, she had grown up to be someone who could do anything to get a little love from her loved ones. She craved for a little affection. A little love could add meaning to her dull life.

She stared at herself in the mirror. She wasn't like the other girls of her age. She was a confident girl and thought highly of herself.  But mind you, not the proud kind of thing; she was a very down-to-earth kind of person. She loved helping others and being useful to people.

She just believed in herself, in her looks and didn't need a man to tell her that she was beautiful because she already knew! But sometimes your beautiful looks could not earn you the love or fill that void in your heart. The looks she had gotten from her mother. The emptiness that filled her couldn't be erased for it was given to her by her very own mother.

The same mother who didn't care already out her and was still mourning over her husband's death from 2 years ago.

Her mother had only lost her husband in that car accident, but Areesha had lost both her mother and father. Before her Baba's death, things had been so much different, so much better. They were  a happy family. Her parents were not like other couples who were always fighting; they loved each other and said Areesha completed their life.

Being the only child she was and on top of everything neglected by the most important person in the world-her mother- she tried to find love outside of home.

Everyone wants someone to care for them, love them, to cherish them right? She loved everyone around her but those very people didn't care.

After investing fifteen laborious minutes into wounding her hair in a French tail she looked at herself satisfied. She had to look professional for her interview in the famous F. Ali company as the PA. She didn't use any makeup because she didn't need any. She was beautiful enough without it. She kept the makeup for important occasions in her life not that she had anything important to do in her life. She wasn't living rather she was merely existing.

She just wanted to get married to Aamir, settle down with him and wait for death to come to her. It wasn't like she didn't love Aamir. No, she loved him a lot, more than anything infact. He was the sole reason life was worth living for. She wanted to be happy and to her happiness came only with him. Even when she was studying in university all the boys knew that she was taken. It was a solid fact there and so no one approached her. Aamir was the only light in her dull life. Marriage to him was the only thing her mother had talked to her about enthusiastically. 

Shaking her head to dicard the depressing thoughts she grabbed her purse and the file containing her CV. 

She hurriedly scurried down the stairs not wanting to be late for the interview.

As she entered the kitchen to grab something for breakfast, she saw her mother sitting at the table burying her cereal with sugar absentmindedly.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum Mama!" She said cheerfully. Everyone in the world thought she was a happy girl and she kept that façade. It was easier that way.

"Walikum salam." Her mother replied non-chalantly.

"Ma, so much sugar is not good for your diabetes," she said in an attempt to strike a conversation with her.

"What?"she said distractedly 

Not replying to that she poured herself some mango juice from the carton and hurriedly gulped it down.

"Mama I'm going for the interview. Please pray for me." She said kissing her mother on the cheek.

Her mother didn't even scold her for leaving with an empty stomach she thought like most mothers would. 

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