She gave you a sheet so that once your pants were removed you didn't have to walk back out completely exposed even though it was just her and Niall in the room. You stepped into the bathroom and unbuttoned your jeans and slid them off, then you slid your panties down your leg. You took the sheet the nurse gave you and wrapped it around your waist before walking back out.

You took a seat on the table and she instructed you to lie back.

"Okay Mr. Horan I'll have you sit down in the chair next to your wife, that way you can look at the screen once we get a good look at your baby or babies." The nurse said.

Niall took a seat in the chair as she instructed him to and then he reached out and took your hand in his.

"Before we get started are there any questions you have for me?" She asked.

"We just want to know how many babies we have coming." You said.

"Do you think you're having more than one?" She asked.

"Well up until today we thought there was just one. But just a little bit ago at our last appointment we heard two heartbeats we think so we think there might be two." You said.

"Well let's find out. I'm just going to lift your shirt up a bit so I can get a good look at your belly." She said.

She then spread the cold jelly onto your exposed stomach. You squeezed Niall's hand a little bit once you felt the jelly on your skin. You were not expecting it to be THAT cold.

"Okay the first thing I'm going to do is find out how many babies we have in there." She said.

You looked over at the screen and waited for the image to appear. You saw two separate shapes on the screen and smiled to yourself. You didn't need the nurse to tell you that you were having twins.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Horan, it looks like you are having twins." She said smiling over at you and then at Niall.

You looked over at your husband. He still looked a little shocked at the news, but there was also a small smile on his face.

"Twins." Niall said as he smiled to himself.

"Is this your first pregnancy?" She asked.

"Yeah. These will be our first babies." You said.

"Congratulations." She said smiling. She looked back at the screen and pointed to the screen. So as you can see there are two separate placentas on the screen which means you are going to be having fraternal twins." She said.

She turned her attention back to the screen and then smiled over at you.

"I was just making sure the location of the babies is okay, and they are both in good position." She said. "Now let's try to get an idea of how far along these guys are."

She looked at the screen and punched a few numbers into her computer and then the number popped up onto the screen.

7 weeks. 2 days.

"Okay Mrs. Horan, it looks like you aren't quite as far along as your doctor thought. She probably thought you were further along because there are two babies instead of one. So your due date will be September 13, 2017." She said.

You smiled as you looked over at Niall. Your due date was his birthday.

"They're going to share a birthday with their daddy." You said as you smiled over at him.

"Is September 13th your birthday, Niall?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, it is." Niall said smiling.

"Well, congratulations to both of you, Mr. and Mrs. Horan." The nurse said.

She captured a few pictures for the two of you and printed them out so that you could show your friends and family and then she made a copy of the ultrasound onto a DVD so that you and Niall could re-watch it at home if you wanted to.

She wiped the jelly off of your abdomen and then you put your pants back on. Then you and Niall walked out of the appointment hand in hand.

"Twins." Niall said as the two of you got into the Range Rover.

"Twins." You said as you looked over and smiled at him.

"Thank you," Niall said as he reached over and squeezed your hand.

"For what?" You asked.

"For giving me the most amazing thing anyone's ever given me, my children." He said smiling.

"I should be thanking you. After all if you hadn't been so horny that one night we were snowed in, we wouldn't be pregnant." You said smiling at him.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now