Intro: The Craziness Begins

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A/N: Dear reader, please imagine that this is the strangest video series you have ever watched. (Or at least, one of the strangest)

Andie: (Looks at Story!Lizzy) Hey, Lizzy. Do you... Do you ever feel like we're being controlled? Like we're just pawns to a puppet master? Or maybe... none of this is real and we're all just fictional characters!

Story!Lizzy: (Looks at Andie in confusion) What?

Kai: (Looks at Andie impressed and claps; only slightly sarcastic) Andie, that may have been the most philosophical thing I've ever heard you say.

(A smashing sound is heard and Storm, Author!Lizzy, and Sapphire suddenly appear)

Sapphire: (Sternly) Andie! What did I tell you about breaking the fourth wall? We don't have the time or the money to fix it.

Andie: (Sarcastically) Sorry, Ma'am.

Sapphire: (Fighting the urge to strangle Andie) I'll have you know I'm not even an adult yet! And is that how you talk to the one who made you who you are?

Andie: (Rolls eyes) But that was Storm. (Sticks out tongue)

Sapphire: (Tries to jump-tackle Andie) Why you...!

Storm: (Grabs and restrains Sapphire) Now, now... Let's not do anything drastic. (Lowering her voice) Besides we still need them if we're going to write this.

Sapphire: (Tries to break away) *Growls*

Storm: (Awkwardly and obviously tries to change the subject) So... Lizzy how are things going?

Story!Lizzy and Author!Lizzy: (In sync) Good.

Author!Lizzy: (Glares at Story!Lizzy) Dude, this is my story! Fluff off!

(Story!Lizzy walks away and sits in the corner feeling neglected)

Kai: (Looks at the screen) "Fluff off" isn't exactly what she said. But for the sake of the younger readers, what she said cannot be shown.

Author!Lizzy: (Jumping) #Keepin'ItPG13!

Kai: (Eye twitch; in a flat voice) Yes... Exactly...

Story!Lizzy and Author!Lizzy: (In sync) Dan and Phil: A Christmas Fantasy. Phil picked up the small book in Dan's room labeled "journal". One peek wouldn't hurt right? What could possibly be in there that he wasn't prepared to see? Phil opened the the book and started flipping through the pages. His eyes widened as he started to read-

Kai: (Smacking them both on the head) No! Stop that Lizz... Lizz... ys? K-Knock that off!

Author!Lizzy: (Smirking) ...yer mum...

Storm: (Still restraining Sapphire) Lizzy what does that have to do with anything?

Author!Lizzy: Well, obviously... (Pause) Yer mum...

Storm: Well, are you going to at least elaborate? (Storm and Author!Lizzy continue talking, getting further and further from the original topic)

Sapphire: (Still trying to free herself) Let me go already!

Kai: (Facepalms) Don't you authors think you should do your job and explain all this?

(Storm and Author!Lizzy continue talking while Sapphire struggles to escape and shouts incoherently)

Kai: (Sighs) Alright... I'll do it.

(Kai makes the book cover appear on the screen)

Kai: (Motioning to the cover; in a flat voice) As you all know this is "The Weirdest Story Never Told"

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Kai: (Motioning to the cover; in a flat voice) As you all know this is "The Weirdest Story Never Told". The story about three girls with the power to rewrite reality and how they manage to royally screw it up.

Andie: (Jumping in front of the cover holding a peanut butter cup package) I HAZ PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!!

Kai: (Sweatdrops and smacks Andie out of the way) Anyway... Andie, (Motions to Andie's unmoving form) Lizzy, (Points at Story!Lizzy who is poking Andie with a stick) and me, Kai, are those three girls. These three... (Looks at Storm, Author!Lizzy, and Sapphire) are the wonderful people who created this whole thing.

Andie: (Suddenly up and holding a pie; runs off shouting) I LIKE PIE!!

Story!Lizzy: (Turns the stick into a sword and chases after Andie.) Wait~! Andie! I want pie~!

Andie: (Runs back on screen being chased by Story!Lizzy) Get away from me! The pie is mine! (Runs past Storm and Sapphire but trips making the pie fly into Sapphire's face)

Story!Lizzy: (Tackles Andie and raises sword) I've got you!

Storm: (Notices Story!Lizzy and Andie) Hey! Stop that! We need you both alive! (Drops Sapphire and tries to stop Story!Lizzy)

Sapphire: (Wiping pie off of face; literally growling) Andie...!

(Story!Lizzy, Andie, Storm, and Sapphire suddenly break into a huge fight, and knock the camera down breaking the lense)

Author!Lizzy: (Laughs at all the mayhem)

Kai: (Sighs; lifts up the camera and looks at the lense) Come on guys, look what you did. You broke the lense. (Aims the camera towards the fight)

Story!Lizzy: (Giggling and trying to stab Storm) Oopsies! Sorry~ Kai. (Looks at Kai holding the camera) Ooo! Hey, Kai~!

Kai: (Looks at Story!Lizzy annoyed) What?

Story!Lizzy: (Starts running at Kai sword raised) I've got you~! (Leaps at Kai)

Kai: (Tries to run away) Hey, Lizzy! Don't you da-

(Shattering glass is heard and the screen switches to static)

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