Chapter 15

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We were in the headquarters of the demon hunters. Specifically, we were in the gym. Peter thought I should start training immediately, so that was why him, Blake, and I were standing by some targets.

"Self defence is key when you're hunting demons," Peter said. "They're strong and usually bigger than us, so physical combat is very important to learn."

I nodded, even though I felt uneasy at the thought of fighting anyone. I wasn't a fan of violence. Inflicting pain on others was the last thing I wanted to do, but I didn't have a choice. Thanks to Blake, what I believed in had to be thrown out the window.

    "Luna, you're a tiny girl. You're not the strongest person out there either," Peter said gently. "I don't think physical combat is what we'll focus on with you. We'll still teach you how to defend yourself, but I think you need a weapon."

    My heart froze at that, knowing weapons killed. Fists and feet didn't, but weapons were capable of killing. Nausea rose up in me, but I forced it away, hoping no one would notice what a fraud I was. I was terrified of Blake spilling my secret, so I fought hard to pretend I wanted to be a demon hunter.

    "Follow me to the weapons area," Peter said. "Blake, stay here and practice throwing knives."

    Blake nodded and Peter began to walk off, expecting me to follow him. I did follow him and I looked around the gym we were in. We were the only people there, but still the gym was stuffed. Since there was an arena in the centre, targets off to one side, obstacle courses covering a quarter of it, and the weapons area, it was packed.

     Soon Peter and I reached the wall filled with weapons. My eyes went wide at the sight of them, shocked. The weapons ranged from guns to swords and I couldn't imagine myself wielding any of them.

    "I know you're a gentle girl," Peter said, seeming to understand my inner argument. "But to be a demon hunter, you need a weapon. I won't force you to do the killing, but please at least be able to fend for yourself. Do it for us."

     His eyes seemed sad and I nodded quickly, wishing he'd stay the happy man I knew. But then I realized the happy family I had was nothing but a lie. Everything in my life had been a lie. Everything had seemed so lovely and bright, but in reality they were all filled with darkness.

    "Guns are definitely not for you," Peter said, walking over to them. "Same with swords."

    "Yeah," I agreed. "To be honest, I don't know what I want."

    "Do you prefer something that can attack from a far range or close range?" Peter asked.

    I thought about it for a moment and realized far range. There was no way I could see the face of the person I wounded and be okay, so I knew a far range weapons were what was best for me. But then, I realized that was a gun and gulped. Guns never seemed good.

    "Do you think a bow and arrow will be fine?" Peter asked, suprising me.

    He walked over to the corner of the wall and picked up something on the ground. When he walked back to me, I saw it was a bow and a backpack full of arrows and I grew surprised. I didn't think they created them in the modern age.

    "Yes, this is a very old fashion weapon," Peter said, as if reading my mind. "But I think it'll suit you."

    He held out the weapon to me and cautiously, I took it. Staring at the wooden weapon, I felt like out of all my choices, it was the only weapon that didn't feel wrong. It didn't make me feel like a criminal, so I nodded.

    "I'm glad you like it," Peter said, smiling. "Let's begin training."

    I nodded at that, finding myself admiring the weapon in my hands.


    My body was sore from all of the defence training I had and finally, Peter said he would teach me how to use the bow and arrow. We had already covered the basics when it came to how to stand and shoot, so I was practicing shooting as Peter and Blake watched me. To all of our surprise, I was good at it.

     I placed the arrow on the bow and pulled back, my arm straight out in front of me. Closing one of my eyes, I focused on the target meters away and hoped I would hit the centre for once. After fifty tries of nearly reaching it, I just wanted to hit it once to feel complete.

     And I did. As I let go of the arrow, it went soaring straight and hit the dead centre, causing me to gasp in surprise. Peter and Blake cheered and I heard heels click their way towards me. Curious to who was there, I turned around and saw that Chelsea was there, grinning.

     "You're a natural!" Peter exclaimed. "Incredible!"

     "That was wonderful sweetheart," Chelsea said, looking proud. "I knew you'd be perfect for this job."

     Although I had felt on top of the world a moment ago, I suddenly found my mood sinking. I hadn't wanted the job and with my guardians thinking I was meant for it, I felt disgusted with myself. I wasn't a fighter, but my bow and arrow skills said otherwise.

     "We're proud of you," Chelsea said, smiling. "So proud of you."

    "Can I take a break?" I blurted out, wanting to be away from everything. "I'm exhausted."

    "Sure, you deserve it," Peter said.

     I didn't wait for anyone to say anything else and I rushed out of the demon hunters headquarters. Once away from my family, I began to sprint towards the forest in hopes of seeing someone. I had a bad feeling we wouldn't meet, but still a small part of me hoped Haiden would remain at my side. Just like I had been staying at his side, he would at mine.

    Soaring into the forest, I found myself running to our usual spot. There I stopped and caught my breath, eyes wild as I looked around for him. He wasn't there, so I sat on the tree trunk and waited for him.

    I waited and waited until the sun set, but Haiden never came. He never gave me any sign that he was around and cared, which left me miserable. My stupid choice to join the demon hunters had ruined everything, I realized bitterly. I could have saved Haiden, I thought as my eyes teared up.

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