Chapter 10

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I was tucked in bed, staring at my ceiling. My room was dark. With nothing but my lamp at the corner of my room being a dim light source, all I could see were the silhouettes of the objects around me. I didn't mind that. Since it was bedtime, I was ready to have sleep consume me.

Currently, I was home alone. Once again, The Daniels had left for a meeting about the cafe. A part of me was offended since they didn't invite me again, but I told myself not to take it personally. The cafe was a family business and I wasn't technically family. Because of that, it made sense that Blake attended meetings and I didn't.

Sighing lightly, my mind went to my relationship with Blake. It was okay, to put it simply. We didn't have any problems, but we didn't have any sparks either. Deep down I knew I had friend zoned him, but I desperately wanted that to change. Blake would be perfect for me and I needed to realize that.

Suddenly, I heard the sliding of a window. My heart stopped and I quickly whipped my head to look at my window, wondering what had happened. And when my eyes went there, I saw a silhouette of Haiden in my room.

Quickly, I sat up. My hand shot to the wall and I turned on the light of my room, wanting to know if I had imagined him. And then, when my lit room up, it was confirmed that Haiden was in my room.

Stunned, I stared at him. He stared back, his face expressionless, and my heart raced. I had no idea how he came inside and I wondered what he wanted. It was probably what his gang was looking for, which made me uneasy. I never thought I would have to fight Haiden.

But before I could ask him what he was doing in my room, I thought of the day at the restaurant. Anger flooded into me at the memory and I jumped out of bed. I was usually a very calm person, but for once I couldn't contain my feelings. That was why I marched up to him.

"How dare you show up at the restaurant after you told me to stay away," I scolded, stopping right in front of him. "You forced me to stay away with your harsh words and then you show up on my date and stare at me, causing me to act out. I looked like an idiot cause of you."

Haiden lifted his hands up, as if to say he surrenders. I ignored that and kept talking, knowing I had to let out steam.

"How in the world do you expect me to forget about you when you keep showing up?" I asked. "How am I not supposed to wonder about you when you're always freaking around? What are you doing here?"

"It's not me who decides destiny," Haiden said, his hands still up in the air.

I huffed at that, annoyed. But then I wondered what I was doing. This wasn't like me. I never liked confrontations and I usually sucked it up when someone treated me badly. For some reason, Haiden made me so frustrated and I had no idea why. But I had to admit, he had a way of enhancing my emotions when they were related to him.

Suddenly tired, I walked over to my bed and sat down in the edge of it. Calming myself down, I then sighed lightly and looked back at Haiden. He seemed to be studying me and I wondered why, but I was too tired to ask. For once, I wanted to get straight to the point.

"Why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"I have a question for you," he said, pressing his back against the wall he was at, across from me.

"That's funny. You think I should answer your questions when you don't answer mine."

Haiden didn't say anything for a moment and I stared at him. Analyzing his face, I noticed the bags beneath his eyes. Haiden was nearly physically perfect and his bags were his only flaw. I had to admit they made him look older than his age of nineteen.

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