"I can't believe I'm going to be staying here," he chuckled, and Connie just smiled modestly. She had always taken great pride in her home, and now seeing him so captivated with it was a huge compliment to her.

"Not just staying, son - living." Jacob corrected him, wrapping his arm around Connie and pulling her closer. They decided that it would be a good idea to put all of Chris' things in the spare bedroom, which at the moment was decorated in a contemporary purple style. The walls were covered completely in a matte purple, and the back wall had a flower portrait on canvas hanging upon it. The left side wall was almost completely covered by a mirror, and all the furniture was black: the chest of drawers, the wardrobe, the other storage unit. The ceiling was white, making the room a lot brighter than you'd expect, and there were four small lights in the back wall, by the king size bed.

"I know this isn't exactly fit for a twenty year old boy at the moment, but we promise we will redecorate it for you to make it more comfortable." Connie said, unsure as to whether he'd want to stop in a purple room at all. How could she expect it to feel homely for him?

"It's a gorgeous room," he admired. "I don't mind it not being decorated." Without much warning, Chris threw his arms around Connie, taking her by surprise, and it was at that moment that Connie realised the time.

"Sugar, I have to pick Grace up from school," she laughed. "Are you going to stay here with your dad, and I'll bring Grace back to meet you?" Chris nodded, and Connie wrapped him in another hug before she sprinted out of the door, grabbing her car keys and going down to Grace's school to pick her up. Connie was so nervous, for if Grace didn't get along with Chris, then she was most likely going to decide to go back to America with her father, and Connie didn't want to lose her little girl again. As Connie pulled back into the driveway with an excited young Grace in the car, she crossed her fingers and silently prayed that the two of them would get along. As they approached the door, and Connie reached out to grab the handle, it opened, and Jacob and Chris were there to meet Grace and Connie. Grace looked up at Chris a bit nervously, and he burst into a smile as soon as he saw her.

"You're a lot taller than I expected," Grace said, folding her arms and looking up at her brother for the first time.

"You're more grown up than I expected," Chris replied. "Now, are you going to show me how to work the television, because I can't figure it out, and my favourite movie is supposed to be on in half an hour."

"What's your favourite movie?" Grace asked.

"It's one from the Terminator series, it's on Channel Four right now. Do you know it?"

"You're kidding? It's one of my favourite movies too! Did Jacob tell you or something?" Connie and Jacob were just watching the two of them interact, and Connie had to admit that she was relieved.

"No, he didn't say a thing," Chris smiled, and Jacob put his hands up defensively. He honestly hadn't said a word. "So, how do I turn on the TV?"

"Okay, I'll explain it to you," Grace said, as they walked into the house. Connie and Jacob could just hear their voices as they went into the living room. "But most of the time, I'm in charge of the TV. Jacob will try to take over a lot, but he usually ends up letting me decide." Connie and Jacob just chuckled, as it seemed the two of them got on brilliantly, and Connie let out a sigh of relief as she joined Jacob in the doorway, pressing her body to his, and trapping his lips in a loving, tender kiss. His hands moved to cup her behind as the two of them swayed gently during their kiss, passionately caressing each other's tongues with their own. He pushed her gently up against the doorframe and continued his passionate demonstration, his hands firmly on her arse to show possession and domination. She whimpered, and he broke away, the two of them smiling - dazed - at one another.

"Hey, now we've got someone in the spare room, does that mean sex is off the cards?" Connie whispered, trailing her finger lightly down his torso.

"Hell no," Jacob laughed, seemingly outraged that she'd ask such a thing. Connie couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

"Jacob, it's right next to our room. He'd hear everything," she whispered, and Jacob just shrugged to her, squeezing her.

"Mm, then maybe you need to learn to keep your mouth shut," he replied sultrily, nibbling on her ear lobe lightly. "We could always use a gag if you found it too difficult." Connie felt herself overcome with arousal, and Jacob slapped her arse lightly before winking and going to join Grace and Chris, who were sat together watching Terminator, chatting about their lives and interests.

"So, mum told me what happened, when she got pregnant and had to give you away. Why did you come looking for her? Because I'd have hated her if she'd have done that."

"Well the person who adopted me - Anya - always told me that my real mam was a great person, and that she just wasn't ready to look after me. I didn't mind - Anya took great care of me and I'd heard so many stories about Connie. She was a surgeon, saving lives every day; I bragged about her to all my friends, because to me, she was this wonderful person and I always admired her, even when I didn't know her. She was the reason I became interested in medicine too. Then I met her, and I just realised that everything I'd thought about her as a kid was completely true. She's the most inspirational woman I've ever met and I ain't gonna hold a grudge against her for something she believed was the right thing to do." Grace just nodded, understanding his answer, and she decided to snuggle up into his side as they watched the film. He placed his arm around her, and the two of them were perfectly happy as they sat watching their favourite film. It felt as if they were bonding more as the film progressed, and the two of them weren't even talking. Grace had always wanted a sibling, but had always expected them to be younger. She loved having an older brother, and she finally felt as though her family was complete.

Déjà Vu - A Connie/Jacob FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now