Chapter 4

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Two updates today since the last one was quite short - hope you enjoy it!

Many weeks passed and Connie had taken over Professor Tillsworth's lessons, and she was trying to take over the Wednesday lesson too. The Education Board were enthusiastic to have Connie doing this, and she didn't even mind sacrificing more time upstairs so that she could spend it teaching. One day, several weeks on, when she was halfway through one of her lessons, she got a letter delivered to her from the Chairman of the Education Board. Connie opened it and squealed in delight, then decided to read it out to the class, as they were all looking at her in complete confusion.

"Dear Miss Chase, we understand that you have taken an interest in increasing the amount of time you spend with the medical students of class 15b. We feel that this is going to be beneficial to the students, as they are clearly interested in your lesson above all others, and it will also be beneficial to you. You may decline this offer, but we'd like to propose that you take over teaching all their lessons. Please reply to me by the end of the day using either the address or phone number on this letter. Yours, Matthew Halt, Chairman of Education." Connie expected the students to be happy, but they looked at her blankly, and she  didn't know what to say.

"Are you going to do it, Miss?" A girl named Hermione asked. Connie looked around, and nodded slowly.

"If you want me to, I'd love to teach you all." The class broke out into huge grins, and the front row jumped up and all hugged Connie together. She was almost knocked off her feet, but the desk was behind her, and then the rest of the class came down and joined in with the group hug. All Connie could do was laugh - she was so happy that she was able to make a difference to these students' lives, though she still couldn't believe she was giving up her dream (temporarily) to be a tutor!

When it was time for the first half term break, Connie decided that she'd give them a chilled out lesson, and had arranged for some Petri dishes to be brought in, and thought that they could learn about how different bacterium reacted to different medicines. Obviously, this had the potential to be quite a messy lesson, and as the students were leaving, Connie looked around the room realising that she had quite a lot of cleaning up to do. Just before the end of the lesson, one of the tutors of another class popped his head around the door to see how Connie was going. He'd been coming in more and more recently, and Connie didn't really know what to think of it. She wished them all a good holiday, and then most of them scuttled out of the class as quickly as possible. There were a few students just slowly packing up their things, and Jacob was one of them. He was always last out of her class - for some reason it always took him ages to pack everything in his bag. He finally finished, faster than another girl in the class, but then he approached Connie.

"Have you seen all this cleaning I've got to do?" Connie laughed, collecting some of the Petri dishes. She had also given them a palette each with the different types of medicines in, and so she needed to clean those too. Fortunately, there was a sink at the back of the room.

"Man can help if you like, Miss," Jacob offered.

"I can't ask you to do that, go and enjoy your holiday, Jacob." She was touched by the offer - it was sweet of him, and secretly she wanted to spend the extra time with him to see if she could find out more about his personality, as surely he couldn't be that cocky all of the time.

"I live about forty five minutes away, so I've got to get the bus home. Usually have to hang around outside for an hour before it arrives. At least I'd be doing something useful." He picked up some palettes and made his way over to the sink, leaving Connie smiling across at him. She joined him with the rest of the palettes and they washed them together, the water splashing them a little. "Besides, I wanted to ask who that man is that keeps walking in."

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