Chapter 30

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Emma's P.O.V:

"Emma!wake up!"mum yelled from  beside me,I pushed her away "muuuuuum!gooo awaaaaay"I whined,I heard her sigh mumbling something to go get dad.

The next thing I know I felt really cold and something splashed all over me,I screamed and shoot up,I glared at dad who was literally on the floor laughing "I thought you were supposed to be mature dad"I pouted crossing my arms glaring at him.

"heey i'm only 20"he whined,I dramatically gasped "and you have a daughter who is 14?","and a wife who is 18"dad added,"daaaaaaad"I whined

"you two stop whining,no wonder where she gets it from"Mum came in and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and poked my tongue out to dad and get out of bed.

I realized today we were going cliff-diving again so I just wore my bikini and some shorts and a tank top.

I rushed outside saying bye to mum and dad since they were the only one's in the house and jumped through the treaty line and made a sprint towards Emily's house.I was right on time as I saw the guys just getting out of the house.

I ran faster and as I got closer,I tried to stop running,but do you know that feeling where you cant stop running at all?yeah,thats whats happening to me.

I collided with some one and we both fell down landing with a thud,me ontop of them.I groaned and raised my head from that person's chest and saw it was Embry,our faces inches apart,he was leaning in but I got up right on time

"sorry!"I apologized helping him up,I saw Seth smiling at me and I grinned at him.

"right on time shortie"Jared said throwing me over his shoulder,I screamed and started hitting him on his back "let go off me!"

"naaah"Jared laughed,I growled and put my hands on Jared's back and pushed myself free causing me to fall on hard forest floor "ouch..."I mumbled getting up,"you okay?"Seth asked helping me up,I nod and glared at Jared,He raised his hands in surrender.

"you're the one who pushed yourself,not me"he said defensive,"well I need some one to glare at"I laughed and ran up the mountains pulling Seth along with me.

We finally reached there and I stripped off of my shorts and tank while the guys jumped off from the cliff,I felt some one staring at me so I looked and saw Embry watching me,he blushed and looked away.

I sneaked behind him and pushed him,but before he fell,he grabbed my waist and pulled me with him.

I screamed the whole way down clinging onto Embry,and finally we splashed in the water.I surfaced and saw Embry smiling cheekily at me,I dunked him under the water which resulted him in pulling me down by the ankle.

I looked at him and he looked at me underwater,I surfaced breathing in the sweet oxygen for my lungs,as another splash happened beside me,I turned to my side and saw Seth smiling at me.

Suddenly his lips crashed onto mine as his hands found his ways to my waist and my arms around his neck,"oi!keep it PG down there!"from Paul which caused us to break apart and glare at him,he laughed and jumped in causing another splash.

I pulled Seth under water and swam deeper since I wanted to explore,he swiftly turned me around and kissed me

I kissed back,I heard a click and saw Quill with my phone winking at us then he surfaced.Yeah my phone was water proof.I suddenly realized I needed air so I surfaced and looked at Quill.

"QUILL ATERA GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!"I yelled and swam to the shore, and ran to Quill and tackled him trying to take my phone away,he finally gave it to me and I looked at the picture,I smiled at it and hugged Quill,"thank youuuuuu"I said kissing his cheek and gave him back my phone and ran towards Seth who was trying to dry his hair by shaking his head like a dog.

I laughed and walked over to him,"watcha doing?"I asked innocently,"trying to dry my hair"he replied in a duh tone,I gave him my puppy dog eyes "pwease dont dry it,ywo wook adowable with wet hwair"I said like a 3 year old,he awwed and hugged me.

I hugged back confused,why does he keep kissing and hugging me today?not that I mind but seriously?its not like him.I pulled away from the hug and dragged him far from the pack so I could talk to him,as soon as I stopped somewhere safe I could talk to him.

Again he kissed me,I pushed him away "what the hell is wrong with you today?!"I asked,"can't I just kiss my girlfriend?"he asked innocently,"dont act innocent Clearwater"I said emotionless,"you haven't kissed me alot like today,I mean a kiss every minute?"

"I just love you"he said,"I love you too but-"suddenly it all clicked,"your trying to make Embry jelouse aren't you?"I asked,he slowly nodded "Seth!I don't like him!he's like my brother,how many times should I tell you that?!Don't you trust me?"I asked frustrated.

"i'm sorry but you guys were hanging out too much today that I thought that your changing your mind about me"he said looking down at the ground with sad eyes,I sigh and hug him,he instantly hugs back "look Seth,I will never ever leave you,my heart only belongs to you.It doensn't mean that he has a crush on me that I can't hang out with him,I have to because he is my bestfriend,but I will always love you"I said pecking his lips.

He grins and nods "good boy"I said ruffling his hair and enjoying the rest of the day with the pack and Emily.

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