Chapter 11

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Emma's P.O.V:

Its been two weeks since i've been kidnapped by Victoria.I've been tortured non-stop,they even drunk some of my blood and it was painful.I heard the doors creek open,I looked up and saw James smirking "guess what little Cullen,your best friend Isabella is on her way"he chuckled evilly pushing a strand of hair away from my face.

He untied me and pulled the tape off causing me to wince.He gripped my wrist and twisted it causing me to scream in pain,he let go and pushed me on the floor.He got up as he heard Bella come in "Bella"I said weakly but she heard me.

She looked around frantically for me and when she found me,she rushed over to me "Emma,oh my gosh!"she said looking at my bruises,my weak fragile body and my pale skin.

"Bella,please go,you'll get hurt"I managed to say,"no,i'm not leaving you"she said holding my hand,"tsk,tsk.Always been stubborn haven't you"James said coming into sight.

Bella stood up "what did you do to her!"she yelled,"oh nothing just been drinking her blood and torturing her"James laughed evilly and threw Bella causing her to crash into a mirror,"Bella!"I screamed trying to get up,James crushed her leg,she screamed in pain.

James inhales as her blood pools. He leans in, hungry. Bella,half-conscious, then Edward came running in pushing James off her,

 "You're alone... because you're faster than the others. But not stronger."James said pushing Edward on the wall causing his face to crack a little "Edward!"I screamed getting up slowly gaining my strength "Emma no!"Edward yelled but to late,I jumped on James trying to get him off my brother,but he just threw me into a mirror,I screamed as my back collided with the wall and the broken pieces of mirrors

James turned to me with a crazy look in his eyes,he ran vampire speed toward me and grabbed me forcing me to stand grabbing my neck,"one more step Edward and I bite her"James said smelling the blood which was dripping from my back and my arms

"to bad her blood tastes sweet"he said and bit my neck and released his fangs from my neck after biting me,I screamed and fell to the floor twitching and screaming in agony,I felt the venom freezing my veins painfully "EMMA!"I heard Edward scream and lunge at James trying to kill him.

That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out...

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