The awakening

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still Newts P.O.V

"please let me see her." I cry "I cannot allow that, no Glader is to go near her, until Alby says its okay" Clint tells me. I groan in frustration "fine, but is she okay?" "she is alright for now, its touch and go" Jeff says walking out of the hut. "Newt go back to the homestead get some rest, I'll get you when Alby lifts the ban" Jeff reassures, and Clint nods.

As I walk back to the homestead the image of her at the forest line comes into my head. She's covered in blood, the words "her fault carved into her stomach" tears streaming down her face. She looked dead, and scared. I crawl into bed and fall asleep, with tears coming out of my eyes.

in Newts dream

"Lilly?" a younger shorter me calls "yes wittle Newtie?" a younger version of her answers back giggling. We look about 8 here. "have you found the source yet?" younger me asks "no, but I found someone who can help, they can free us." She smiles "we can stop the power, its possible Newt" Then the scene changes. Younger me maybe around the age of 15 was sitting on a bed calmly, when younger Lilly runs in the room out of breath looking panicked "Newt we have to hide NOW!" Lilly says urgently to me. "woah Lilly slow down hide, from what?" "Ava she's coming, she's going to take you away, we have to go" she says. Then people in white coats come in and start to drag me away. "You can't take him please let him stay!" Lilly screams at the white coated woman "this is for your own good Lilly we must take him" "NO!" Lilly protested "Lilly its okay, I'll find you, we will find each other I promise" I yell back "I Love you, newt!" she cries.

Then I wake up to someone shaking me "Clint?" I question. "get your arse out of bed she's awake" he says. The mention of her makes me shoot out of bed and down to the medjacks hut. I slowly open the door and see her in a ball sobbing on the floor. "Lilly?" I cautiously ask. She jumps at my voice. "I'm sorry" she says "what are you sorry for love?" "I didn't, I didn't get us out in time" she stutters. "There's nothing you could have done love they came in and took me, you couldn't have stopped them" I tell her "Wait, you know?" she looks up her blue, teary, eyes showing a gleam of hope. "yes" I confirm. Going close to her cuddling her in my arms, trying to make her feel safe.

Lilly's P.O.V

Everything is dark, where am I? "please let me see her" I hear Newt cry faintly. I try to call his name but nothing comes out. A few moments pass I hear a door open and close "he did a number on her" a Glader says, I think its Clint. "miracle she isn't dead" another says. "I wonder what she did, to have ben go nuts on her like that" the same voice says. 

Dead? What the bloody hell happened? I try to open my eyes again but to no avail nothing happens. This is bloody frustrating. "show Newt" creepy voice says. Show him what...? "use your connection show him, give him a memory of you" how the eff am I supposed to do that "concentrate, use your bond" the voice says. I concentrate on Newts face in my head and picture the memory going into him. 

Then my eyes open. I don't know if that worked but, I lay on the bed perfectly still with my eyes open, until Clint noticed. "Ah Lilly, your awake" he grinned. "can you move?" he asks. I try to lift my arm but pain emits from it going through my hole body. "ow" "yes I know it hurts, I'll let you rest for now" Clint says. "okay" I sigh closing my eyes.

 As sleep takes over I have the dream of Newt again. How I listened to their conversation, they came and took him away, I was supposed to be the one to get us out, I was the only one who could, this is my fault. I wake up with tears streaming down my face and daylight pouring into the room I'm in. I sit on the floor and curl up into a ball on the floor "my fault, my fault , my fault" I repeat over and over. Someone walks in I didn't dare look up, no one needs to see me like this. "Lilly" they cautiously ask, It's Newt I can tell by his accent I jump though, for no reason "stupid, Lilly, stupid" I say under my breath "I'm sorry" I tell him, waiting fo , sorry about what. Expecting him to not know what I mean.

"sorry about what love?" he asks; I guess the dream thing didn't work. "I didn't, didn't get us out in time" I stutter. "There's nothing you could have done love they came in and took me, you couldn't have stopped them" he says. Wait what he knows about them? The dream it worked. I look up at him "wait you know?" he confirms it with a simple "yes" he then comes down sits next to me and cuddles me. His scent of pine leaves, and grass makes me feel safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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