Sleeping Arrangements

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The chubby boy that trailed behind everyone earlier came out of the crowd "I'm Chuck, nice to meet you, greenie, you're the first girl." He giggles and shakes my hand. "my names Lilly not greenie" I reply "what even is a greenie?" "Well right now its you, it's what we call the new people that come out of the box" he points to the area where boys are unloading everything from the place I woke up "what is this place, why are we here, why am I the only girl?" "this is the Glade, no one knows why we are here, and I don't know maybe they wanted to change things up" chuck laughs "they, who are they?" "they are the creators, every month they send up food anything else useful and a greenie, that's you this month" he says pointing at me.

"follow me" Chuck says walking towards a rickety old building that looks like it could collapse at any second. "this is the homestead, Lilly this is where you will be sleeping, only the important people sleep in here, you will be safe" "important people?" I ask. "yea Alby, Newt, the keepers, and the medjacks. Let's get you upstairs" chuck walks up some wooden stairs, the floor creaking beneath his feet. "this is your room; I'll send Alby up to give you a tour later for now you should have a nap" "okay thanks chuck" I nod at him. I guess this is home for now, I lay down on the bed, which is surprisingly comfortable being made of hay, I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

meanwhile at wicked headquarters

"you sent her up in the wrong maze!? What is wrong with you!" ava screams. "we were just doing as told Mrs. Paige, we can have her removed if you want." "NO we CANNOT have her removed it throws off the whole experiment, she stays but keep an eye on her, use the chip in her brain tell her what to do, we can use this to our advantage." Ava replies

back in the Glade

"wake up greenie we have a lot to see and little time to do so" Alby says walking into the room.

I look out the window and realize the sun is staring to set. "My name is Lilly, not greenie" I remind Alby. "whatever let's go" he replies. Alby leads me outside of the homestead to a place covered in hamic's and sleeping bags. "this is where the greater population of the glade sleeps, you are not to come out here at night, these boys haven't had contact with a girl in a few years, I don't want no hanky panky happening." Alby says sternly. Cant come outside at night what am I, 2? I could probably fight off whoever threatens me. "hanky panky" I state under my breath stifling a laugh "what was that greenie?" "oh nothing" I laugh not even thinking of correcting him about my name, trying not to piss him off.

Alby leads me to a forest "what are we doing in here?" I ask "if you would be patient I would tell you." He replies coldly. Well then... I see how it is. We were now standing in front of sticks piled up together with names on them. "these are the people who died when the rules weren't followed, or because they didn't use their noggin; we call it the dead heads" Alby says pointing at his head. The most distinct name I see is George I wonder how he died, but I didn't dare ask seeing as it looked all to fresh for Ably, not wanting to make him sad. 

Alby lead me out of the deadheads and towards a little hut next to the homestead. "this is where we eat, the gardeners collect the food, Frypan makes it and we eat it" he tells me and points at the gardens. Alby then takes me past the gardens and too a different hut, that had a rather retched smell, some of the gladers seen my reaction and laughed to themselves. "this is where the slicers work, they get the meat from the box and slice it up for us to eat, I can tell you will not be taking this job." Ably laughs. I would have been pissed because a girl can do what the guys can do, but he was right I was not for this job. We walk away and I unplug my nose and breath in fresh air. 

Ably has shown me everything but that hole in the wall "What about that?" I ask pointing at the hole. "tomorrow greenie, I'll tell you tomorrow now its time for a bonfire" Alby replies     

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