Two (Edited)

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Two - Batman Bra

9 days before school starts again
Brooklyn McKenzie

When I woke and Josh wasn't here. So I went downstairs.

I walked over to the cupboards in the kitchen and grabbed a oatmeal bar. Then I started to head back up the stairs, just before reaching the top I shout down to my mom "I'm going to be in the shower mom!" Who I new was sitting on the coach because when I was in the kitchen I heard reruns of the bachelor, I don't think Josh would be watching the bachelor, I also know that Maria was at work today because everyday at 5 am I hear her getting ready in the bathroom across the hall.

I get to the bathroom and turn on the shower but before I get in I turn on some music.

I took a short shower only like 10 minutes probably, I walk across the hall with my music still playing. The song 'Asshole by Eminem' had just started playing when I walked out of the bathroom in a towel.

I walk into my room singing along and not paying attention I close the door, putting back to its original state before I walked in.

I walk over to my dresser. I pull open the first drawer and pull out a pair Victoria's Secret underwear and toss behind onto my bed. Still dancing and singing. Next I pull out a my bra with the batman signs on it and do the same thing I tossed it on to the bed.

I turn around so I can put them on. But I see not only Josh but also Chase sitting in Josh side off the room. They were both smirking.

"Oh please don't stop," Josh says still with the same stupid but kinda cute smirk on his face still. "We were enjoying the show."

"Shut your mouth. I thought you were still gone." I say while gripping my towel tightly so I know it doesn't fall off.

"I've got the pizza." Says someone as they walk into the room. "Oh, so you guys get a stripper while I'm gone." He says while looking me up and down. It took me a minute to realize it was Mark from school he is the quarterback, he is really hot. He is tall and has brown hair with green eyes.

"I'm not a stripper." I whisper yell, adding as much venom as I can to the last word.

"Oh sorry, I just thought because you were in a towel and yeah. So if your not a stripper then who are you, and why are you in my boy's room here?" He says while walking over to Josh to hand him the pizza.

"I'm..." I start to say but Josh butts in.

"You know how I told you I share a room." Mark nods. "Well this is Brook, my roommate." Marks face is priceless right now he looks so confused, after a few seconds he finally understood.

"Okay now that you have explained can you leave so I can get dressed." I say as a question but it didn't sound like a question.

"Nope, this is my room too, princess, plus I will be seeing all of it soon enough." Josh says while smirking and sent me a wink. I roll my eyes in disgust and look around the room to find my old divider that is only about 6 feet long. I grab it and stand it up in the corner.

I grab the clothes I had tossed on to the bed and hid behind the divider. I started to get dress.

Josh Hunt

Brook is hiding behind the divider right now that she put up so she can get changed. Honestly, I don't know what she is so afraid of I'm going to see it soon enough to be honest.

"Dude, you a booty call already and you haven't even been back for 2 weeks now." Mark says trying to be quite so Brook doesn't hear.

"I'm not a booty call!" I hear her shout, while peering her head around my side of the divider. I guess she heared it or she has some kind of super power where she can read minds.

"Ya dude," I say hitting him on the arm. "She isn't my booty call...yet." I say but I say the last word quieter.

" I forgot to grab something." I hear Brook say while peering her head around the corner of divider again.

"What you forget?" I say, "Did you forget to ask me to take your towel off for you?"

"No..." She said with a little anger, "I may have forgot my shirt and bottoms because I was to business arguing with you. Can you guys look away so I can grab some." All three of us shake are heads 'no'. "Please...."

Mark and Chase shake their heads 'no' again with a smirk on their faces. I elbow both of them in the side and said "Come on guys lets be gentlemen." Brook looks at me and mouths 'Thank you' I nod.

We cover our eyes and she steps out, I can hear her walking across the room to the divider. I uncover my eyes and elbow the guys again. They uncover their eyes too. All three of us have smirks on are faces.

Once she has reached the dresser across then room I say "Nice batman bra." She turns around and her cheeks have flushed red in embarrassment. She just grabs what ever top and bottoms are in reach and runs to the divider.

Not to long she walks over and slaps me across the face.


I'm have so many ideas right now on how this story will progress. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far even though it's only the second chapter.

-Nikole <3

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