s y n o p s i s

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Indigo Avalon was the type of girl that tried her best not to bother others with her petty emotions. She tried hard to stay strong and be the rock that everybody thought she was, and all was working out in her favor until the very first day of sixth grade, when the inventible happened. Two words.

Vincent Jaffrey.

The moment he came waltzing into her life, everything changed.

It may have started with a simple attraction, but things can change.

What Indigo and Vincent had was something special, but with the flick of a switch, everything came crashing down, just like that. And at first, it was the most painful and unbearable experience.

After four years, Indigo's "crush" still hasn't faded, and she has no idea what to do. All she knows is that over time and space, love will either flourish or fade.

You know what they say. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

D E D I C A T E D to those who need a little encouragement. Not all things in life are bad, and if you believe so strongly that they are, just remember that you're the one that has to turn them around. Give it a try.

This story is purely fiction. Any character, setting, or plot point related to anything in real life is coincidental.

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