Chapter 7: The Demon Brothers

Start from the beginning

Tazuna glanced at me and opened his mouth to speak so I quickly jumped on his back, covering his mouth and giving Sakura a closed eye smile I said "Now that's not of your business, is it Sakura."

She opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it when I give her the famous Uchiha glare.

We were still walking and I was really uneasy about those two chakras I felt earlier. Much like my dad I didn't look as if I was on guard ,but if you really studied us, you could tell by our slightly tensed shoulders that we were definitely ready for an attack at anytime. I looked around at the trees surrounding us and I glanced down at the road we were walking on and I saw a puddle, with the two exact same chakra signatures I sensed earlier. I look at dad and he noticed it too but didn't want me to say anything. We just kept walking past the puddle.

Until two ninja appeared out of the puddle and wrapped chains around 'dad' and ripped him apart. The two ninja then went after Naruto. Both me and Sasuke were quick to act, Sasuke threw a Shuriken and a Kunai at the chains while I kicked one of the ninja in the face sending him backwards. The ninja then changed targets and went after Tazuna where Sakura was guarding him with a kunai. Sasuke quickly ran in front of her ready to take the blow when dad appeared before Sasuke got hit.

"Naruto.... Sorry I didn't help you right away... I got you hurt. But, I didn't think you'd be incapable of moving."

Dad walked, still carrying the ninja, closer to where Tazuna, Sasuke, and Sakura were.

"Anyway, let me just say, good job Sasuke, Lilianna. You too , Sakura." He praised

I looked at Naruto, he looked pretty shaken up and was deep in thought, when Sasuke turns around and says "Hey! Your not hurt are you..... Scaredy Cat?"

That made me mad "Shut the fuck up, Sasuke!" I yelled.

Naruto lunged toward Sasuke, but stops when dad says "Naruto, these guys have poison on their claws. You need to take the poison out quickly."

"Huh?!" Naruto looks at his hand.

"You have to open the wound and drain the poisoned blood. Don't move so much, either. It'll make the poison spread." Dad says tying the two ninja to a tree.

"These are Chunin from the hidden mist. These ninja are known for continuing to fight, no matter the sacrifice." I say looking at the bingo book. "They're the demon brothers"

"How were you able to detect our movements?" They question.

"Oh! I know! I know!" I yell jumping up and down.

"Okay, you answer Lily." Says dad.

"It hasn't rained in a couple days, and it's a clear day, so there wouldn't be some random puddle in the middle of the road." I explained.

"That's correct. Good job lily." Dad says ruffling my hair.

Then when everyone starts talking I walk over to the Demon Brothers after nodding to my dad. I kneel next to them.

"What do you want brat?" One of them asks.

"To know who sent you." I answer

"Well, we're not telling you." The other one says.

"Okay, but you leave me no choice." I say sighing.

I activate my Mangeyo Sharingan and stare at them, while they start to shake. I place them in Kotoamatsukami, as I start to control their minds.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" I question.

"Zabuza Moomochi" they reply in an almost robotic voice.

"Why?" I question again.

"We were not told." They reply once again.

"Damn..." I mutter releasing Kotoamatsukami

I look back at Dad in question and he nods so I put them in Tsukuyomi.

----Inside lily's Tsukuyomi----

The two brothers appear in what seems to be an arena of some sort. This place is covered in bones there is fire surrounding the Demon Brothers. The two ninja are no longer chained up and can move freely.

"Welcome to my world!" A voice is heard.

The boys look to the left to find the same girl ninja sitting on a thrown of some sort with three wolves next to her. The wolves on her left and right are normal sized but the wolf sitting behind her is Gigantic and very intimidating. The boys don't dare to say a word, afraid that it might upset the giant wolf.

"You scared them Lily." The giant wolf says with a chuckle,making the ninja tremble.

"Actually, Rai I think they're more scared of you." I giggle. "Do you want to play Rai?" I ask smirking

"I would love too." He reply with a wolfish grin.

Rai stands up and his 10 tails become visible and if possible the Demon Brothers become even more pale, they looked like ghosts. They were also sweating a lot, and it seemed as if it was impossible for them to speak.

But,when one of them did manage to speak, "Who are you?!" He said looking at me with fearful eyes.

"My name is Liliana Hatake. I'm half Uchiha." I state activating my Sharingan.

"Y-you're a monster!" They scream.

My Tsukuyomi world was filled with their screams as Rai ripped them apart.

-----The Real World-----

When I ended Tsukuyomi I could feel the immense pain and blood running down my left cheek. I closed my left eye and walked away from the now dead bodies of the Demon Brothers.

"Yo, dad." I said getting his attention.

Everyone looked at me and just stared at me with wide eyes.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." I say sarcastically, while walking over to dad.

I grab dads backpack and I grab a cloth an wipe the blood of my cheek. I then put my hand over my eyes and perform medical ninjutsu on my eyes. I then walk back to the bodies of the two brothers and performing handsigns I whisper Fire Release: Fire Destruction and the bodies burn to ashes. I turn around to see everyone waiting for me. Dad nods at Naruto and I run to him to see his hand. 

Third Person POV

Lily ran to Naruto to try and get the poison out and to heal his hand. It made her angry that she couldn't keep Naruto safe but, little did she know that Naruto was mentally beating himself up about freezing and not protecting Lily. Lily didn't know why she was so upset with herself, Naruto would live, but she just felt horrible that she allowed him to get hurt. Naruto was feeling the exact same way. Both children were confused about this feeling but they both shrugged it off, and continued their mission.

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