Chapter 4

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Roderich's chest as been hurting more more as he days went on, but he didn't notice since he was too distracted by Gilbert's smile, Gilbert's personality, and Gilbert's laugh. His smile could bring a smile to anyone's face. His personality had a lot of lovable quirks. His laugh, even though was usually annoying, was very funny itself making Roderich laugh everything he heard it.

When they hugged, everything moved in slow motion for them as if a  five second hug was actually five years. When they kissed, sparks would fly and an aroma of comfort would fill the room.

The nurses would purposely let them be alone more at certain times just so that sweet filling of love would fill the hospital.

Roderich knew he loved him. He knew that he could trust him. There was one thing that made  him very.

Gilbert was very secretive.

He was open to Roderich about his family and memories of the past, but he would not share what was going on in his head or his feelings even though Roderich told him everything. When Roderich would ask him about how his health was doing, Gibert's eyes would get a very pained look but would then tell him that he was getting better. The idea that he was riding kept on nagging Roderich in the back of his head. He would always shrug off the thought since he trusted Gilbert.

They we in the courtyard again getting fresh air. Thry were under the gazebo, wheelchairs together, holding hands. Gilbert kiss Roderich on the head. Roderich looked up at him as a tear ran down his face.

"Please don't leave me," Roderich whispers to Gilbert as he starts to tremble a bit, "Are we going to die?"

Gilbert gets very concerned and brings Roderich into a hug.

"I don't want to die!" Roderich cries out, "I want to be with you and move into a little apartment together and get married. I want to start a family with you. I want us to grow old together."

Gilbert rocks him back and forth as he shushes him.

"We are not going to die," Gilbert ensures, "we are going to do all that and much more. Don't think like that. You know that both of us are getting better and will be out of here in no time. It's okay, you are safe with me. We are going to live happily ever after."

Roderich starts to calm down and Gilbert whiles the tears of his face and smiles at Roderich. The nurses come outside and joins them.

"Are you boys ready to go?" Asks one of the nurses.

The both nod in unison and let go of each other as the are wheeled out.

They are close to their room when Gilbert hollers out in pain. Roderich looks over right away concerned as Gilbert fall out of his wheelchair onto the ground. He scratch at his chest and coughs up blood. He keeps on crying out and Roderich starts to cry very hard when Gilbert falls silent.

Nurses and doctors rush to his aid and put him on a stretcher and rush him off to the ICU. Roderich falls out of his wheelchair in despair and cries uncontrollably. One of the nurses tries to help him back up but he swats them away.

Gilbert lied.

They were not going to live happily ever after.

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