chapter 2

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After Gilbert and Roderich shook hands,the nurse wheeled him over to the bed farthest from the window and helped him get in. The nurse walked towards the door and left them alone in their room. Gilbert rolled his IV fluids back to his bed and layed down out of breath.

There was an empty silence between them.

Roderich decided that he should break the silence and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you in the hospital?"

"Just some heart problems, nothing that big," Gilbert replied while playing with his IV.

Something about his answer didn't seem right to Roderich about his answer. Gilbert's mouth told one story, his eyes told another.

Roderich didn't know what to say to this man. Luckly, Gilbert did.

"Want to watch TV?" he asked.


Gilbert reached for the remote and turned to tv on. He kept on surfing through the channels, trying to find one interesting.

"There are no good cannels on here, they might as well just get rid of the TV and replace it with a brick wall," he mumbled under his breath.

For some reason, this was thr funniest thing to Roderich. He could not stop laughing. His laugh was one of those very high pitched ones as he hugged his sides. From all that laughing, he breaks out into a coughing fit, gasping for air. Gilbert was about to get up when Roderich waved at him that it was okay. Roderich very much needed that laugh, he had not laughed in a while. That must be why he laughed so hard.

Gilbert eased down, keeping his eyes on him. He finally gave up on trying to find a show and just settled for Dora. Everytime Dora would ask a mind numbing dumb question, he would always yell out a sarcastic remark.

Roderich laughed every time.

The Male In The JonnyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora