Chapter 3

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Two weeks have gone by and the two boys have been as close as you can get. You could not separate them from each other.

Roderich was feeling quite uneasy lately. Every time Gilbert glanced at him his stomach would flutter. Every time Gilbert smiled, his heart would skip a beat. Every time Gilbert laughed, it made him feel like everything was going to be alright, but Roderich had a sinking feeling that it was not. Even though he felt this he did his best to push it away and to be happy.

He could not push the feeling away recently.

Whenever the feeling came back, it would always put him down. Gilbert would always notice when this would happen and would do everything in his power to brighten his mood. Gilbert would always make him feel better but he felt like Gil was hiding something from him, but he brushed it off.

They were currently outside in the courtyard just chatting about random nonsense. The mood was kind of tense but they were just happy to be outside.

The courtyard was a small closed in area. It had three trees giving plenty of shade. A small garden was to the north with a variety of flowers and vegetables. A small pathway curved through the area connecting doors with a small gazebo in the corner . Gilbert and Roderich were under it.

Roderich couldn't get rid of the butterflies in his stomach whenever he glanced at Gil. He wanted to reach out of his wheelchair, embrace him, and kiss him on his lips. He wanted to lay in his arms and to be closer to him. He longed to be his significant other.
Roderich has been to scared to admit his feelings to the other man.

'What if he doesn't like me?' He thought, 'He is probably not even gay.'

Roderich glanced over at Gilbert. He seemed to be very figity and nervous for some reason. He never acts like this. Roderich wheeled over his wheelchair and placed his hand on Gilbert's arm.

"What's the matter?" Roderich asked.

Gilbert seemed to calm down when Roderich touched him. He smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Roderich?" Gilbert asked, "Can I confess something to you?

Roderich got more concerned for him.

"You can tell me anything."

Gilbert shifted in his wheelchair.

"I think that you are the most handsomest man that I know."

Roderich was shocked, he did not expect this.

"I like how your purple eyes glimmer in the light. I like how your fluffy hair brown hair blows in the wind. I like how your soft pale skin feels on mine. I want your beautiful lips on mine," Gilbert said with a huff and seemed to calm a bit after getting that off his chest.

Roderich's eyes were filled with tears. No one has ever said anything as sweet as this before to him. He was relieved that he felt the same way.

Gilbert was concerned when Roderich started crying.

"Are you alright?" He asked the crying man, "Did I do something wrong.

Gilbert didn't have enough time to get an answer from him since Roderich jumped up out of the wheelchair onto his lap and kiss him right on the lips. The kiss was full of passion and love. Gilbert held on to Roderich and depended the kiss.

Even though the kiss lasted only for a minute,

It felt like an eternity.

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