Is It All Over

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I regained consciousness and I'm sitting on a couch in a quiet room. I'm with the officer interviewing me and Mr Chimes.

"Can I call my mom?" I ask.

"Of course." I say.

I check my phone, but it's ran out of battery and Mr Chimes has left his at home. Thank the lord I know my mom's number off by heart. The woman leads me to the phone and I diall the number. It rings a few times before someone answers.

"Hello?" I say.

"Ella, where are you?" asks Terry.

"Terry. I need to speak to mom. Put her on please." I say.

"Okay." he says.

I hear the phone being passed and i soon hear my mom's voice.

"Hello?" says my mom.

"Mom, I'm at the police station." I say.


"Mom, listen. Something bad has happened." I say.

"You better have a good explanation for this young lady." Says my mom.

"Mom, it's Carter." I say.

"What, what's happened?" my mom says, sounding a little more concerned.

"Mom, Carter, he raped me." I say.

"I'm on my way." she says.

The line goes dead and then I go back into the interview room. We carry on and I answer more questions.

"When did Carter first rape you?" asks Danielle.

"Yesterday at his house party." I say.

"Do you remember anything, prior to the rape?" asks Daniella.

"Yes. I had been drinking, but I remember. I passed out and Carter dragged me up the stairs after a came free of his grip. He locked the door and taped my mouth. He raped me. I woke up today and he raped me again. He taped my mouth the second time. Then at school today in P.E. which was first period, he came into the girls changing rooms and raped me in the shower. That time, he put his shirt in my mouth. Then he forced me to go to his house again after school where he raped me the fourth time. After raping me for the fourth time, I went home and got ready for tuition with Mr Chimes." I say.

"Okay. I'm going to put out a warrant for his arrest. We will find him Miss Harris." says Danielle.

"Okay." I say.

"Interview suspended at 5:21" says Danielle.

She turns the recorder off and then I leave the room. I see my mom and dad and brother standing at the front desk. They look at me and then I run to them. I hug them so tight, scared that if I let go, I will loose them forever.

"Miss Harris. Can I speak to you and your mother in private please?" asks Danielle.

"What about me? I'm her father!" My dad says.

"Mr Harris. This is a feminine issue." says Danielle.

"Dad, she'll be fine. She's with mom." says Terry.

Danielle takes my mom and I to a smaller room. My mom and I sit on the couch and then Danielle sits in the arm chair opposite us.

"This may seem a little embarrassing, but I need to ask you these questions. Did Carter Reynolds take your virginity?" Danielle asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay. Even if he didn't, we are still going to need to do a rape kit on you. Is that okay?" asks Danielle.

Falling In Love With My History Teacher | Watty's 2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن