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An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster.

In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat at least a hundred feet into the air.

The monster then opened its mouth while waiting below to swallow man and boat.

As the man sailed head over heels and started to fall towards the open jaws of the ferocious beast he cried out, "Oh, my God! Help me!" Suddenly, the scene froze in place.

As the atheist hung in midair, a booming voice came out of the clouds and said, "I thought you didn't believe in Me!"

"God, come on, give me a break!" the man pleaded, "Just seconds ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!"

"Well," said God, "now that you are a believer you must understand that I won't work miracles to snatch you from certain death in the jaws of the monster, but I can change hearts. What would you have me do?"

The atheist thinks for a minute and then says, "God, please have the Loch Ness Monster believe in You also."

God replies, "So be it."

The scene starts in motion again with the atheist falling towards the ravenous jaws of the ferocious beast.

Then the Loch Ness Monster folds his claws together and says, "Lord, bless this food You have so graciously provided....."




@@@ this man got to be the stupidest one i know on earth having the monster believe in God will help you? he could have at least wish for the monster to have a change of heart to not eat him lol.

@@@ So a lot of things have happened over the weekend and yesterday. Classes started last week so I am trying to balance school with work and everything else. I barely have time to read now beside for school work. I collided with a guy at work on saturday night and now i have a bump on my nose and it hurt but not as much as the last 3 days. the GREAT NEWS is that I got my permit yesterday :-) (you're probably thinking "you could have gotten that like 2 years ago" and you're right but I didn't so I am happy to have it now). The song "THINKING OUT LOUD" by Ed Sheeran have been stuck in my head all weekend so I uploaded the video on the side. I am super duper Happy even though I have to go to work today :-) So I hope the rest of the week is good for you as well if it's not, I hope this story cheer you up or just dance lol.

HUMOR & MORAL STORIES!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora