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Hey everybody, sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. I was sick like two weeks ago, then work and school keep taking over my life. And me being the unlucky person that I am, I am sick again. My eyes are watering, my throat is hurting, my ears are ringing, and every time I cough it feels like my chest is on fire. My whole body is hurting today as well so yeah.

Me, still being unlucky, have exams tomorrow and Tuesday. I also have work Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday :-(. Right now I just want a cuddle, blankets, my bed and sleep. I am also tired of drinking tea and swallowing pills! I hate both. I will upload a new story as soon as I am better. Although I don't know if it's gonna be humor or moral. Whichever one I find first I guess. Now I am going to curl up in bed and moan about my pain. Talk to you later guys!!!

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