Time with YD

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An: thanks for the 1k guys!!! Your the best. Keep up the good work!

(Y/n)'s pov
Here I am sitting in Yellow Diamonds office. I was called here shortly after I was done... eating out.

Yellow Diamond wasn't here yet. 'How the hell is she gonna request me to come, if she's not even here' I rolled my eyes at the thought. I spun around in a spinning chair like a child. Looking around I noticed that there wasn't a shit ton of yellow.

"Sorry I'm late" yellow diamond walked in and sat in her office chair

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Sorry I'm late" yellow diamond walked in and sat in her office chair. She gave me and off putting smile. "You wanted to see me?" I asked and she chuckled a bit.

"Oh yes, Me and the other diamonds are looking for a new prison consular. We think that, with a bit of trying and more social skills, that you'll be fine for the job." She pulled out a folder with my name on it and started going through it.

"Why would I do that? Helping other people, who's gonna help me?" I would consider it but... Who am I fooling, I'm to damn lazy. "Well it could help with you getting parole. It will make you less likely to get enemies, because a lot of the women in here will like you." She told me as she wiped her thumb across the desk. Checking for dust, I guess.

I shrugged my shoulders "alright I guess I-" "great but first I have to know why you're in here" she interrupted. I was confused 'they should already know why I was in here. Right?'. "Don't you have a file about it or something?" I looked at her and slumped into my chair. She smiled at me and walked over to the yellow couch, gesturing for me to follow.

Yellow diamond crossed her legs "yes but I wanna know why! Why did you do what you did?..." Yellow went silent for a minute. An intrigued look appeared on her face. "Why did you kill your mother...?" She asked a question that I didn't have a good answer to. 'Why did I kill my mother...'

I haven't talked about it in years. I thought it wasn't really worth bringing it up again, but who cares.

"Well, it all started when-"


Well, it starts with my parents. They were good people, but not good together.

I remember back when I was about 6,000 years old, all my parents would do was fight. They fought when they thought I was asleep, when I was in a different room, when I wasn't paying attention. They fought.

That was until my dad had enough. He packed my moms bags, one day while she was out, and put them outside in the rain.

And when she got back she told my dad that she was cheating on him the whole time. That didn't really faze him. As a matter of fact, he knew that he married a whore.

But to top it off she said that I might not be his daughter, that's what broke him.

The whole time she had this smug look on her face. That smug look drove my dad over the edge.

jasper x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang