why not? (ON HOLD)

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©2011/2012 iamthedryad

why not: an online novel

chapter 1: A reunion of loved ones

One's earliest memories are usually very foggy and unclear. However, mine wasn't. I remember quite distinctly when I was four years old. I was with my cousin, Tristain, in the backyard of his beach house up in Northeast England, not far from East Anglia where we all lived. There was sand instead of soil and a thicket of trees separating us from the beach.

Tristain was ten at the time, and thought himself so much more mature than I. 

"Can we go to the beach?" I asked.

"No, our parents won't let us"

"Why not?"

"Because we're too young" There was a finality to such a sentence, that I had not asked anymore. We peeked through the trees and saw a young, pretty couple. The lady was wearing a white dress and the man was wearing a suit. They kissed and laughed.

"Bleh" said Tristain, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Romantic" I said. It was the word to describe when Cinderella kissed Prince Charming.

"It is not" he argued. "It's gross"

"I want to do that one day"

"I dare you to do it now" he grinned. Oh! Tristain was such a meanie! 

"No" I grumbled, "I don't have to"

"I dare you to!" Tristain stuck his tongue out at me and made me so mad! 

"Fine!" I yelled, "Who should I do it to?"

"Me" he says almost instantly. 

"Bleh! Not you" I shake my head, "What about Arthie? He's cute"

"No!" said Tristain, "I'm the one that dared you, so I make up who you have to kiss. Me!"

I groaned.

"I'll see if it's good or not" he said. I mustered all my courage, grabbed his cheeks and stood on my toes. It must of been my imagination, but I think he bent down to make it easier. And then I smashed my lips on his. Five seconds passed and he pulled away. We both wiped our mouths.

"Well Lila, you have guts"

"I know" I said, proud of myself. 

All my life, Tristain has been there. Even when I was twelve and he left to college, he always visited. Now I'm seventeen and he's twenty-three. He's graduated early and is visiting for the winter holidays. My family is Buddhist even though his is Christian, so we do a mix celebration.

Our mum's are sisters. My mum went to Nepal on a mission trip with my dad, and instead of converting the Nepalese, they converted my parents. I like being Buddhist.

Tristain has always been teasing and slightly rude towards me, but there are times where I feel like we're actually friends, closer than friends even. He taught me how to play video games patiently and encouragingly. He didn't laugh when I got myself sick when we were skiing once. Instead, he had actually taken care of me. Our parents joked that he was my "little nurse" After I got better, he returned to meanie Tristain. 

I'm nervous now. I haven't seen him since summer, and even then he had hung out with my older brother, James, more than me. I don't think he likes me anymore. Not like like, but just normal liking. We live in America now, the state of Georgia. We moved just last year.

James left to go pick Aunt Cara, Uncle Joey and Tristain up at the airport. I dash to my bedroom and double check if I look better. My short dark hair looks decent enough and I start to think that maybe I should give up on my no-makeup policy. I straighten my Kroger t-shirt and pat down my sweat-pants. I don't want him to think I'm trying to hard.

Yeah, it seems strange that I try so hard for my cousin. But...I kind of have a crush on him. And he always makes fun of my clothing. Like "Are those boxers? I don't see your junk" and "That shade of brown looks nasty, like rat droppings" 

I helped Mum set up dinner and Dad figure out how to use the I-pod speakers. It's a playlist of Tibetan music and Christmas music. 

"Are you excited to see your cousin again, Lila?" asks Mum, "Oh it's been forever"

"Yeah" I try not to sound too enthusiastic. Mum adjusts her spring-flower patterned dress (lively flowers in winter, is what she wanted to go for) and pauses as we both heard the garrage door.

Mum squeals and practically runs to open the house door. I follow hesitantly behind her. Dad runs out to help with baggage and Mum hugs Cara tightly. Everyone is talking now.

James is talking to Joey about car emissions and which model is the best. Mum and Cara eagerily chat about the trip and Dad interjects James and Joey about cars. And then Tristain steps out of the van.

He looks manlier, is that's possible.He has the same dark hair I do, the hair that our mums have. It's beautifully crisp looking. His eyes are the most gorgeous shade of crystal blue, looking far more brilliant than my dull muddy green ones. His body is tall and limb, like a swimmer or runner. He looks up and sees me.

For a moment, we say nothing. Then he drops his bags and hugs me. It's startling, absolutley shocking. He never hugs! It's for losers, he always said!

"Hey Lila" he says softly. What the bloody hell?! Why is so polite now?

"What are you wearing? You look like you got dressed in the dark" he smirks suddenly. Wait, what just happened? How strange! I blush as he looks me up and down.

"Well...look at what you're wearing!" I stutter, even though what he's wearing is something that models would wear out of a fancy magazine. It's a shirt with a V-neck sweater over it and jeans. Very classy. I try to search out something picky about it. But he's perfect! 

"What am I wearing?" he asks teasingly, staring me straight in the eye.

"That shade of gray...looks...looks like a sick rain cloud!" How lame! Ahhh! 

"Why thank you" he bows. I look away and start helping with bags as the entire family gets comfy in our house.

"Haven't you grown!" says Joey, flushed with wine. "Last time I saw you, I swear you were just a little girl!"

"Well" I say, not sure of how one is supposed to reply to those sort of comments.

"You look just as beautiful as ever" says Cara fondly, "You could be our third sister"

"You're all too old" says Dad. Cara and Mum guffawed. Oh god, old people flirting. I'm going to be sick. James and Tristain are talking all about college. James is in his last year (not as smart as Tristain as to graduate early)

I feel like this little pimple on the face of family. Some social outcast! This is going to be a great holiday season.

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