"Probably not"

"Why not? You have the perfect timing. The two of you will be alone and..."

"Can you stop" I snap cut him off then sigh taking a deep breath "You know what it's been like for me in the past and I've been fighting these feelings that have been growing for Leanne for months and now I've finally admitted them to myself. I just wanna leave it like that for awhile. I don't wanna rush in head first like the others because I can't take having my heart broken... not again" I croak and he nods and smiles at me through pursed lips.

Randy's POV

I could see Michael was getting agitated talking about Leanne, so I quickly dropped it and changed the conversation.

I know telling a girl you like them isn't a big deal to most people, but for Michael it really is and especially in this situation and with the kind of work Leanne does, but from the things Michael has told me. It sounds like Leanne likes Michael back and I really hope I'm right on this one. Michael's been messed around by so many women and it's not fair on him. When he likes a girl he's alway 100% commented and puts everything he has into the relationship, but each time he's been left broken hearted by these women and Lisa was the worst she really messed him up with all her mind games and it killed me seeing Michael in the state he was in and even though he's over Lisa and those other women. He's not over what they did and now everytime he meets a girl and starts liking her, he panics and pushes them away and I could see in his eyes how terrified he was when he told me he had feelings for Leanne.

I really hope things go right for him this time. Michael really deserves to be happy and find a girl that gives him as much love and respect that he gives to her.

Leanne's POV

I've been talking to Michael at night when Mia has gone to sleep. I hate hiding thing's from her and Emma because they've both been a good friends to me, but I know they'd flip out if either of them found out.

We've sent one of two flirty messages, but Michael hasn't tried to talk to me about anything personal which I was a little worried he would. We mainly talk about movies and stuff like that and I prefer it that way because it's the only time I've been able to actually talk to somone without it involving 'work' or 'rules'

He asked me why my Xbox account was a different name and I told him it was my dad's but he didn't use it anymore, but I didn't go into any details why and luckily Michael never asked and that was the only personal thing he asked me. I don't even tell the girls here anything personal about me. Other that Mia and Emma and obviously my aunt Mary, nobody else knows about my parents dying. They just know that Mary is my aunt. It's not that I don't want to talk or think about my parents, but every time I do all those happy memories I have are slowly fading away and are filled with what happened that day and how disgusted and ashamed they would be of me if they saw what I'd become.

Mary told me yesterday that someone had booked me for this evening and requested I stay 'clean' until after they've gone and when I checked it was Michael and it was strange because I felt this feeling of both happiness and nervousness. I know I shouldn't have any of those feelings and he doesn't like me in that way, but I can't help it. I never feel any kind of emotion for the other men. I don't even feel discusted or scared anymore, just empty.

I've learned really well to block out any kind of emotion or thoughts towards the other clients, but I can never seem to do that with Michael no matter how hard I try. It's probably just a little crush or somthing and even Emma said once that she thought Michael was good looking so clearly I'm not the only one that thinks so and it'll probably and hopefully go away soon and in a way it's kind of a good thing I have a little crush on him. The first time I met Michael I was terrified of him and I even broke down crying once because I was so scared of him, but I don't get that any more and I'm actually happy about getting to see him again.

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