Chapter 18 - Siege

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I blinked a couple of times and rolled over in bed, which tangled the blindfold around my face. The dark of night greeted my open eyes despite the fabric that covered them. It had been three days since our last mission, and I was meant to have the fabric off later in the morning. But something had woken me up, that much was clear. I just didn't know what. All I could hear was the wind blowing through the trees, and I could feel the breeze coming through my open window.

Oh, that must have been it. I thought, still only half-conscious as I sat up and rubbed at my shoulders under the oversize T-shirt I wore to bed. I couldn't remember the dream I'd been having, which was both good and bad- it had been pleasant, for once.

I yawned, and itched at the scabs under my blindfold with the pad of my finger; I had it on good authority that doing so wouldn't break the skin if I was gentle.

My brain was slowly beginning to function as I woke up fully. I took stock of my surroundings as well as I could with my vision obscured. I couldn't feel any warmth in the room, nor could I hear any movement or breath over the wind. It seemed that I was alone. There was the faintest smell of vanilla in the air, but I put that down to the open window.

There was something wrong with the situation, I could feel it. But what?

A weird sound beat incessantly at the edge of my sense of hearing, and it took me another good ninety seconds to figure out what was going on. I was fumbling for the lamp switch beside my bed when  The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up, and I froze.

The window was open.

I never kept my window open at night.

Something blunt hit the side of my head, hard, as I realised this. I yelped and fell to the floor, struggling as my wrists were bound together by some kind of cord. I could taste blood from where I'd bit the inside of my cheek when hitting the floor, and spat it at my assailant. Predictably, it missed, and hit the floor Lord knew where.

I flailed, managed to get a good kick onto the stranger's right knee, and heard a grunt of pain. Okay, unfamiliar voice. Not an ally. I think. More rope was tied around my ankles before I could kick again, and I fought back the bile that rose in my throat. Every part of my being screamed not good, and I struggled as best I could.

A part of me wondered weakly if this was some sick training exam being conducted by my team to test how I'd react to this situation. It wouldn't have surprised me, considering that I was newly in league with a group of highly dangerous criminals.

I could only feel one pair of hands, and I was being handled almost gently for a kidnapping. That same small part of me was questioning if I was needed unharmed for some peculiar reason.

For once, I made a logical decision and cried out as loud as I could, attempting to escape with renewed vigor. I heard footsteps down the hall, and for a moment sagged in relief.

That turned out to be my next bad choice. I was picked up from under my arms, and my assailant began to pull me towards what I imagined was the window. I dragged my heels as much as possible to try and stall the stranger.

The door opened.

"Listen Tweety, this is the second time I've heard you scr- !" Harley snapped out of his lighthearted lecture as it registered that I was being kidnapped. I was dragged backwards, and struggled against my bonds as the backs of my knees hit the windowsill. My blindfold caught on a spur of wood and slipped off my face, almost choking me until it was ripped further.

The last thing I saw was my best friend and his expression of pure shock as he reached out to pull me back.

Then I was falling.

This wasn't a test.

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