Chapter 15 - Base

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The rest of that week passed without major incident; though at one point on Wednesday the Milo did run out and I thought Harley was going to commit homicide. We sorted that issue out with a quick trip to the shops. On the Thursday night after dinner, Wills pulled the whole group into a meeting.

"Alright everyone, after this meeting I want everyone in uniform and ready to go. We're getting this done a day early because Kira has allowed it, and I want this mission to be a success." Wills was met with slow nods and what might have been a sigh from Joel, but we all trudged off to get changed anyway.

After fifteen or so minutes (during which I went through the motions of changing into what Wills had called a uniform), the six of us assembled at the roots of the tree and split into our two teams.

While the others spoke briefly about the plan, Ella walked over to me.

"Think you'll be okay?" Her voice was gentle, concerned almost, despite the grim look visible under her red mask. I smiled and nodded.

"Think so. I'm starting to trust everyone more."

"Come on you pair, we can't start the mission until you're finished talking." Joel directed a smile at us both, and Ella cheerfully flipped him off as we rejoined the other four Crime Lords.

"Ready when you are," I said to Joel as Wills and Kira swapped places with Ella.


Getting to the building was an easy feat for once, with no asshole cats trying to flirt with friends of mine. I silently counted as the three of us waited in the bushes, and after thirty three seconds everything went to shit.

I heard a faint explosion and saw a plume of smoke rising from the far side of the compound. That's our cue, I thought with certainty as I peered through the leaves and noted that the remaining guards ran towards the cause of the noise. I prayed silently that the other team was going to be alright, and then gestured for mine to follow me down and into the building.

No alarms went off, which was always a wonderful occurrence, and Wills and I gave Kira a boost up into the ventilation system.

"Do me a favour and don't die, you two." She hissed before replacing the grate.

"Right back at you." I whispered before I turned right and sneaked down the hall.

Wills and I passed an old mural in one of the halls, one that had been around as long as I could remember. In greyscale it depicted a cloaked, hooded figure with its arms outstretched. This figure was surrounded by various symbols, animals and people, and for a moment I stopped to smile at one particular symbol Papà had always said represented me. It was a rune shaped somewhat like a star but with a missing point. Visione, I recalled.

"Important?" Wills murmured, stopping beside me as he took in the picture. I considered that for a few moments and eventually shook my head.

"Unless La Ombra Corte is active and about to kill us, it can wait. These are just runes and a story I was told as a kid."

With that matter settled, we continued on past the mural for a few minutes until we heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Ugh, why do I always get the shitty jobs?"

Wills took in a breath and flattened himself against the wall, one hand on his shotgun. His eyes were wide under his mask, and I could practically feel the tension radiating off him. I did this same, wondering who this guy was to set Wills on edge like that.

There was a rustle of fabric and the rhythmic thud of a staff hitting the ground as the stranger walked slowly towards the doorway. I stiffened, realising that Wills had cast a shadow across the doorway, and took a step back.


I flinched back from the voice with a very brave squeak, and came face to face with Cat Girl. She had a wicked smirk on her face, and I took a step back the way I'd come, almost stepping on Wills in the process.

"If it isn't the little Blackbird, back for another round. And-" she looked at Wills with distaste who had turned back to glare at the enemy, "-an angry asshole who thinks he can just waltz into the factory of our lovely sponsor. Black Jack!" She yelled over my shoulder, ignoring Wills' snarl and my horrified confusion. Sponsor? "We've got company!"

I heard a groan from inside the room, but I didn't dare to take my eyes off of Cat Girl's dark ones as she stared me down. Come on Kira, I hoped. Do your plant thing.

"Oh hey MadMex. Nice of you to join us, I was getting sick of having nobody to beat up. Where's the other imbeciles?" The voice from before was suddenly revealed to be a blond guy, a couple of years older than me by appearance. He leaned on a blue and black staff and rolled his icy blue eyes as I glanced at him. However, his attention was mostly on Wills.

"Probably beating the shit out of your glorious leader." Wills smiled grimly. "Where's he anyway?" He moved to pull out his shotgun. Jack stopped that idea by levelling his staff at Wills, and looked unimpressed. The hairs on the back of me neck stood up for some reason I wasn't aware of.

"Probably beating the shit out of the rest of your team. No way you'd take just one member right into an enemy base." I could hear the sneer in his voice, but Wills just laughed. It was a dark sound that sent chills down my spine.

"I wouldn't underestimate the other team, even against Shadow Knight."

This time, it was Cat Girl that giggled. Note to self, work on murderous laughter. I heard an odd hissing noise faintly from above my head and glanced up when she turned to mock Wills.

"Who said we were talking about Shadow Knight? We obey a higher power now." She purred.

As she did, I noticed a very faint purple tint to the air coming out of the vents, and sagged just a little with relief. Kira you legend. I took a breath and held it as discreetly as possible, while catching Wills' eye. He caught on quickly and did the same.

Taking our sudden silence as a welcome, albeit uncharacteristic submission, Black Jack and Cat Girl poked us into a line and led us down further into the factory. I frowned. Why are they leading us to the labs? That's where we want to go.

I chanced a quick breath of air, but covered my nose with a sleeve of my jacket. Even through that, I could very faintly smell Kira's sleeping gas and hoped the effects would kick in soon on the two Samurai.

"Someone farted," I complained to cover up my motion when Cat Girl tried to snatch my hand away. Wills shot me a questioning look, but a flash of understanding showed in his eyes when he took a breath after another moment. Cat Girl poked me in the back with one claw to move me along faster, and Black Jack sighed. He did that a lot, but something new happened directly after.

He yawned.

The blonde began to lean on his staff more and more as he continued to trudge along, and I heard Cat Girl yawn once behind me.

A few minutes later we rounded the final corner to the lab and Black Jack collapsed in a heap of snoring teenager. One to go, I thought with some satisfaction as Wills stepped over his body and I followed suit. Cat Girl was being oddly silent about it all, but when I turned around to look I saw her propped against the wall at the end of the corridor. She looked comfortable, but wasn't moving except for the very faint rise and fall of her chest. Or not.

I tapped Wills on the shoulder.

"They're both out," I murmured. "We're close to the lab, Ki- Toxic's meant to meet us right up here."

Right on time, the vent above us opened and Kira dropped to the ground. She landed in a graceful crouch, but straightened up quickly and flicked her fiery hair over one shoulder.

"Hmph. Good to see you two actually on time for once." she remarked. "Where next, Raven?"

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