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To the reader.

If you live in this world, chances are it's been hard to have an honest life.

You would have stolen, lied, maybe even killed before you left the nest. Even in an affluent family like mine, we can't escape this reality. Our world is in tatters, crime is rampant, and despite the police's best (though minimal) efforts, small rings of teenage criminals with strange abilities roam the suburbs, stealing and killing for the hell of it. Cities and towns still stand, but they are sparse and heavily patrolled by any police available. If you can't afford to make a living in the protected areas, there's always prison. Some people take solace in the bushland that has begun to take back Australia. There are a lot of factories and labs around too, like the one my papà owns as a part of Stone Industries, a business of his own creation that manufactures weapons for the police to use.

A family of three, formerly of five, is mine. My mamà Elizabeth and brother Reubin were murdered when we were children. My sister Rhea and I were told by papà that it was a random killing by one of the crime rings, and we always believed it. We didn't question, just like we were taught. Up until I was nine, but it became obvious when I was thirteen. I never knew that I might be a part of this whole mess; but then I ran into an old friend one night and everything changed. Along with some new friends of mine, I plan to find out the truth of what happened to my mamà and brother all those years ago.

My name is Estella Stone. This is the story of how I learned to fly.

... I hope you will do the same, my friend.

- Raven

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