Chapter: 33-34

Começar do início

Cheryl slowly focussed on Kimberley who was sat across the room from her, her feet up on the sofa and a book in her lap.  

“How’s your head?” asked Kimberley quietly, putting a book mark in her page and putting her book down next to her.  

“It feels…” Cheryl stopped and put a hand to her throat.  “My voice, my throat hurts”, she swallowed hard and frowned as she felt the pain.  “How long have I been asleep?”

“A few hours,” replied Kimberley, frowning as she made her way over to Cheryl.  “I tried to wake you but you were really drowsy and you said your head hurt so I let you sleep”.  She rested the back of her hand on Cheryl’s forehead and her frown deepened.  “You’re really hot, babe”.

“Kimberley, now’s not the time for that,” joked Cheryl, making herself cough as she laughed.  “Ow,” she managed to say between coughs.  “It hurts”.

Kimberley smiled sympathetically, and caressed Cheryl’s cheek.  “I’ll call the doctors, see if they can see you tonight”.

“I’ve got interviews tomorrow – promotional…” Cheryl started to speak, then stopped to cough.

Kimberley nodded as she picked up her phone.  “I know - we’ll see what they can give you for it”.


“I can’t avoid singing for a week, Kimberley.  I just can’t”, protested Cheryl as she fastened her seatbelt.  Kimberley had driven her for her doctor’s appointment and they had just climbed into the car to return home after picking her medication up from the pharmacy next door.  “A throat infection – my throat of all places.  I have to promote the single…” Cheryl stopped as she began coughing uncontrollably.

Kimberley turned to look at her as she turned the key in the ignition and started the car.  “Well, you don’t have much choice in the matter, babe.  You can hardly talk, let alone sing.  Hillary will sort it, and you have these tablets, and your medicine.  Wait and see how you feel in the morning”.

Cheryl rested her head on the head rest and sighed.  “It’s just typical, isn’t it?”

Kimberley smiled to herself and pulled out of the car park.  “He said to avoid talking as well – rest your throat.  I think that includes moaning”.  She winked as Cheryl turned and gave her a look.  “Anyway,” she continued.  “Look at the positives – he said it’s not contagious, at least I won’t get it too!”

Cheryl pouted again and playfully slapped Kimberley’s arm.  Kimberley took Cheryl’s hand in hers and brought it to her lips, kissing it briefly before resting it on her leg and letting go to change gears.  “You’ll start feeling better soon – you wait and see”.


“Now, I want you to lie here and rest while I heat up the soup I made while you were asleep”, said Kimberley, gently helping a weary Cheryl onto the sofa.  She picked up the blanket which was lying on the back of the sofa and opening it out, before placing it over Cheryl.  She pulled two cushions from the other end of the sofa and placed them as a make-shift pillow under her head then kissed her forehead.  As she turned to walk into the kitchen she stopped as she heard Cheryl’s quiet voice.

“Babe, don’t go.”

Kimberley turned to face her and smiled.  “I’m only going into the kitchen.  You need to eat something.  I won’t be long.”

Cheryl shook her head and patted the sofa next to her.  “Will you lie with me?  Just for a few minutes?”

Kimberley smiled back at her and nodded.  “Of course I will.”  She settled down next to Cheryl on the sofa and pulled the younger girl into her with both arms, letting her rest her head on her chest, and she began stroking Cheryl’s hair with her fingers.  “A few minutes here, then I’ll reheat the soup, make some toast and we’ll see if you feel better after some nice homemade lentil soup”.

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora