Chapter: 11-12

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Chapter 11

Kimberley shot a look at Cheryl as the other girl fiddled with the car radio.  She had changed station 3 times in a row, despite some of her favourite music blasting out of the car stereo.  

“Are you gonna made your mind up or are we gonna listen to the sound of that tuning in ‘till we get there?” asked Kimberley, but with a gentle tone.

Cheryl looked up at Kimberley.  “Sorry,” and she left the radio tuned into the current station.  “I just feel like I need to be doing something.”

Kimberley took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on Cheryl’s knee, squeezing it without taking her eyes off the road.  “Try and calm down, babe, we’ve still got a good 15 minutes till we get there”.

Cheryl let out a deep sigh and drummed the fingers of one hand on the arm rest of the door, while letting her other hand fall to rest on top of Kimberley’s.  “Why is this happening?  I mean, this was meant to be our break away from everything.  It started off so well… and now look – I feel like I’m about to face a firing squad, and I should be sat by our pool, drinking cocktails with you”.

Kimberley quickly looked at Cheryl then returned her attention to the road ahead.  She had persuaded Cheryl that it would be best to drive into town themselves in the hope that it would attract less attention.  Although they had pretty much been left alone, Hillary had mentioned on the phone that the press might have received inside information and be on the look out for the usual drivers that Nadine used.

She took Cheryl’s hand in her free hand.  “Tomorrow we’ll be by the pool, maybe even this afternoon.  This will be over and done with soon and we can get back to enjoying ourselves.”

Cheryl sighed again and brought her other hand down to take Kimberley’s hand in both of her own.  She intertwined their fingers then brought Kimberley’s hand to her lips and kissed it tenderly.

“I love you”, she said simply.

Kimberley felt her heart melt and turned to look at the younger girl, before quickly checking the road ahead.  She squeezed Cheryl’s fingers.  “I love you”.      


“I don’t like him,” said Cheryl, giving the lawyer an evil stare as he walked away from them on his way to the toilet.

“He’s just doing his job,” argued Kimberley quietly, finishing off her coffee.

“He’s being an a*se”, shot back Cheryl.

Kimberley laughed.  “Well, that too.  But he knows what he’s doing, babe.  Just follow his lead in there, and let Hillary do most of the talking”.

“Are you gonna stay here?” asked Cheryl, taking a mirror out of her bag and checking her make up.

Kimberley nodded and took some money out of her purse to cover the bill.  “Or if we go somewhere else it won’t be far.  Just call me as soon as you’re out and we’ll meet you”.  

Cheryl shut the mirror with one hand and ran her other hand through her hair.  “Do you promise me it’ll be okay?” and she turned to look at Kimberley.

Kimberley put the purse back in her bag and zipped it shut, turning to meet Cheryl’s gaze.  “It’s gonna be fine, babe,” she assured the younger girl, and she leaned forward, kissing her forehead.

“And if it’s not, I can recommend your cosmos to dull the pain!” chirped Nadine, sitting herself down next to Cheryl and squeezing her hand. 

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now